Filling in the canopy


Well-Known Member
Since this is my first grow I’m having trouble estimating how much the plants will fill in after the flip. The two tubs they’re in are approximately the size my light can cover, maybe six inches wider than the tub just to play it safe.

I know there are a lot of variables involved but assuming I kept four of the bigger plants and flipped now would I be good or missing out on yield? Don’t mind the seedlings.


Four of the plants are regular seeds so I’ll be losing one or two probably.

I’m thinking it’s better to have them too big and cut some back then to leave space on the table.

I figure another week or two of veg should be about where I want them but I’m not sure.

Plus I need clones of the fem plant which is unfortunately the smallest right now since it was way more sensitive than the others to the stuff I screwed up at first.


Well-Known Member
I should probably add that one is manifolded and the others either topped, super cropped/lst or both.

I know they generally double in size but I’m having a hard time imagining it. Like I don’t know enough about how the plant grows and where the buds will form besides the secondary branches already growing.

I’ve been looking at grow journals and most of the time I’m waaay off on what the final plant will look like.

Can’t wait to get through this first run and start a second one without all the dumb mistakes and a way better idea of what the plants will do.