Film Can From 1977 To Today

On the Fence

Active Member
I saved these for a reason back in the day from when I had some outdoor crop. They have been on top of my tool box and I have been shaking these regularly. I decided to germinate the 9 seeds. 7 sprouted and 2 hearty ones survived. That was 9 mo ago now.
My plan was to clone them so the generation isn't lost just in case someone is interested in plants from 1977.
I am calling them Smithsonian. No idea what hey are, Sativa?

Never grew anything indoors and I had some NIB IGrow Induction lights left over from a rack MFG job I did for a horizontal grow 7 yrs ago, so I decided to give it a shot. I often wonder how that grow is doing.

Lots has happened and lessons learned.
42 days in flower for the 2 moms (in back) and the 7 clones are 10 days behind on flower. I added 6oz mild nutes @ 400ppm to the one clone in front as a test yesterday. At least it didn't have a die off as the back right one did. 40 days ago.




Started above the washroom. Not much good for light and dark schedules.

5x5 washroom in my shop. Lights are 27x48 430W each at the wall.

lookin great, wish i could take a few cut from you, but im in the uk and were behind the times here, they would rather waste tax paayers money and make it a crime to grow herbs here. but thanx for the offer, they look great and i hope you get some takers. keep it real and happy growing
VermiSoil no nutes just well water 6.5-7 PH 90 PPM. 18/6 I up potted every few weeks.
From 5 gal I up potted to 15 gal ProMix from nursery that is slow release formula and not what I expected. Continued no nutes regime. Started using that same soil on clones.
I-Grow 400W Veg and Bloom lights. Added second Bloom light when clones were added to the room.
VermiSoil no nutes just well water 6.5-7 PH 90 PPM. 18/6 I up potted every few weeks.
From 5 gal I up potted to 15 gal ProMix from nursery that is slow release formula and not what I expected. Continued no nutes regime. Started using that same soil on clones.
I-Grow 400W Veg and Bloom lights. Added second Bloom light when clones were added to the room.
i just got busted so all my plants were taken away from me, shame as i was realy looking foward to a nice harvest this year
lookin great, wish i could take a few cut from you, but im in the uk and were behind the times here, they would rather waste tax paayers money and make it a crime to grow herbs here. but thanx for the offer, they look great and i hope you get some takers. keep it real and happy growing
KISS has been working for me so far. It is when I veer from it I have issues.
Shipping clones is a no no I think. Anyone welcome to stop by and clip or even take one. I have too many and really little interest saving the strain but that may change when I light up here soon.
i just got busted so all my plants were taken away from me, shame as i was realy looking foward to a nice harvest this year
Bummer. We can grow only indoors and not in a living space. 6 plants each. What a waste being we have well over 300 days of sun at 6500' here.
im jellous, even if i started another grow, id only have a monthes growth before it starts to flower, unless i get the tent up n running. i have plenty of lights and plenty of seeds left, i may even start a new grow ready for cristmas
10-07-2020 7 of 9 germinated and I quickly started killing them. I was surprised they germinated after all these years of shaking them in the canister. I'm not ready for this.20201007_135441.jpg

Cleared a space above the washroom in my shop and hung one of the lights I had been storing for 7 years or so.
11-27-2020 Two survivors. What are they and what will they become?

1-04-2021 Babies get a pot and new soil. Put in Botanicare tray that I have left over from a rack build job.


3-16-21 Today I find sex. Pretty good chance both females!
4-02-21 Up potted to 5gal using VermiSoil and cleaning up the mess

4-05-21 Begin LST I don't have a clue

Kept the clippings and will try cloning for the first time. Got a heat mat, dome and a 35w LED.

Being I couldn't really control light cycles very well unless I didn't do anything in the shop, I got a tent and moved it up top of the washroom in the shop. I'm sure the plants will do much better now. PITA getting the tent up there by myself with one good arm.

Thought the lights were 2x4 but WRONG!!!! They won't fit in the tent being 27x48 and with 3/4" poles inside the inside of the tent is even smaller as it is 2x4 outside dim. I had several extra hoods so I cut one up with the plasma cutter. Should of just used tin snips but what fun is that? LOL I have to remove the end piece to replace the bulb now, oh well. Also found out that I had 3 bloom and only one veg light with hoods and 4 extra hoods and one extra ballast. Should look in storage more often.

Well it is pretty crowed in there and not high enough for very long.
Just to catch up on feeding, I have been feeding the recommended dosage every watering which is everyday 1/2" on top since day one. What little I knew. Just what we had in the shed besides tons of MG of all kinds.
Seems to be working so far.
4-26-21 I turned the washroom into a grow room and moved the clones in there and hung another light. That was when I found out that the other lights I had were all Bloom even though this one said veg on it in sharpie.
Now being I had only one Veg light I moved everything in the washroom.
In order for the Moms to have the same canopy height I had to raise one bucket on top of a cinder block in back. FIt the clones up front and raise them to Moms canopy height. Oh what fun. NOT........
Obviously this isn't going to work out but I can get some numbers and ideas.

4-30-21 Raise buckets. I can live with this for awhile.

5-19-21 Moms are getting too big for clones to keep up with the canopy. Raising clones and lowering moms is a pain and am asking for trouble if one falls off it's perch.
Being only have the one veg light plans to keep moms in veg forever is changing. They are going to get flipped now.

Clones and one seedling from a friends seeds are going in the tent with Veg light.

5-25-21 Moms in the washroom with Bloom light. A Mom on the right and B Mom on the left.
I put some water in Botanicare tray and hung old socks and have a fan blowing on them for humidity. Worked pretty well as humidity is in single digits at times. I'll have to figure something else out as I expect it to start smelling soon. Going to add new Bloom Nutes now as per bottle.
Clearly A Mom didn't like the new nutes. Major die off happening of the best plant. B Mom effected very little. That's what my $120 worth of nutes got me.



I was told to use Pro-Mix soil. The Hydro store closed for good as I got there. Went to nursery and they had ProMix so I up potted to 15 gal pot. Roots look like shit but not root bound. I had flushed just days before this pull.

B Mom looked much better. Both plants always got the same treatment.

Also got bad news this day as the seedling from my friends seeds turned out to be male, so .........Damnit! 6 weeks down the drain.
I like what your doing here!
Can’t believe the seeds even popped after so long.
If I can’t have a cut, it’s cool to see how your journey goes!
6-10-21 It didn't completely die of but it sure took a HUGE hit. So sad. Not seeing any new leaf growth to speak of but there are buds appearing.

Moved clones into bloom room about 10 days behind the moms on 12/12.

6-14-21 Added extra Bloom light. Put CNC to work and made brackets to hold lights at 20 deg angle. Running out of room as they are 27" wide each in my 8" space so it helped.

6-15-21 Scrog net came in.


A Mom. Looks like lots of trimming with little reward ahead. It didn't die but sure is taking lots of space for so little return.

The Smithsonian clones are the two on the left, so the strain continues. THe rest are from my friends seeds and a seedling that germinated from some bud I got from the dispensary. Got two more of them now going.

Guess we are pretty caught up.
Oh yea, the ProMix I got was not the ProMix HD. It is some slow release stuff good for 9 months so I am not adding nutes at all now. THe clones are now in FFOF.
I like what your doing here!
Can’t believe the seeds even popped after so long.
If I can’t have a cut, it’s cool to see how your journey goes!
Especially after shaking the hell out of them like musical instruments for over 40 years.
I call bullshit to all the threads and YT's on how to "properly" store seeds.

I put them in wet paper towels in a dish outside in the sun at 6500'. A few dried up, the hearty survived my wrath. LOL I don't have as much luck doing it the "proper" way with my heat mat, dark closet and rapid rooters. LOL
KISS for me works.
Got my $23 USB Digital Microscope and it works. Not much of a focal length when zoomed in so much. Says 40-1000x Not sure about all that.
Fri Jul 09 07-56-17.jpg

Fri Jul 09 07-53-09.jpg
Especially after shaking the hell out of them like musical instruments for over 40 years.
I call bullshit to all the threads and YT's on how to "properly" store seeds.

I put them in wet paper towels in a dish outside in the sun at 6500'. A few dried up, the hearty survived my wrath. LOL I don't have as much luck doing it the "proper" way with my heat mat, dark closet and rapid rooters. LOL
KISS for me works.
What was the climate where you kept your toolbox and seeds for 44 years?
Not calling you a liar, but calling bull shit on 40 year old seeds germinating from a film can storage.
I’m having a heck of a time getting some seeds from just 2013 to germ. Stored room temp in the dark. I wonder if the fact you shook them actually helped keeps the shells softer... I’m moving on to some scarification myself.

great grow, thanks for sharing. A cut of that would be super cool.
I’m having a heck of a time getting some seeds from just 2013 to germ. Stored room temp in the dark. I wonder if the fact you shook them actually helped keeps the shells softer... I’m moving on to some scarification myself.

great grow, thanks for sharing. A cut of that would be super cool.
A grower friend of mine gave me 100 seeds. I got one to get a root out of 21. Now my germination rate of those same seeds is 70%. I would see a white spec on the seed and 2 days later nothing. Found out my paper towel was too wet. Now after soak I wring out the paper towel the best I can. I check daily now, 2 days is too long as I had one seed loose it's shell and was almost 1.5" long in 2 days.

These seeds were not in a climate controlled space till the last 7 years. I lived in LA, SB and now Colorado where they were frozen many many times and may have even been in 0 deg. and over 100 degs.

Got 4 seeds in some dispensary weed. One went up like a roman candle. I cleaned better and germinated the other 3. They are a couple of inches tall now.

Stop by and I will give you a plant. I have way too many.