Fimming -- quick concern


Active Member
I just fimmed 3 of my plants (soon to be mothers), but one I didn't take someone's advice and I missed and cut too low.. However, I didn't cut the growth entirely off so there's still a little mess of stuff goin on in there where I was supposed to cut, so I have confidence that it'll still split into 4 colas.. I don't have a photo, but just image you cutting as low as you can and still having a little nubby thing there... any insight would be great! also, worst case scenario if I did cut too low, what will happen? Will i get 2 colas, or no colas at all? or will it just not grow any higher and just concentrate on the branches below? let me know, thanks!


Active Member
so what am I to expect if I cut the whole growth off? the same thing that I woulda had if I would have topped it?