Finally building a flow through worm bin! Pics and a question on getting started


Well-Known Member
Hey all. I finally started my worm bin this weekend and should finish it today. I decided to post pics and I have a question on getting started

The bin is 6’x3’ and approximately 4’ tall. The worm box is 25” tall. The bottom will be lined with solid cardboard to make a floor with shredded cardboard on top for bedding. I will be starting it by feeding some old compost I have that dried out. I will rehydrate the compost and mix it with biolive. I will then put 5000 red wigglers in to get started. Once it’s up and running, the bin will also get kitchen scraps, shredded plants and old soil with rootballs.

I have enough Compost that I could fill the bin 24” deep to start if I wanted, but I’m guessing that if I did that, the worms would stay towards the top and the bottom would remain untouched.

My question is, how deep should I fill the bin to get started and how long before I can safely add a second layer?

Here is the bin I’m building. I’ll post finished pics once it’s complete

i started by building the base frame and adding 2x4’s to the ends to attach the casters to


I decked the base and added casters. The casters are 5” and rated for a combined 2200#’s.
the hardest and most time consuming part was drilling the holes for the 3/4” steel pipe. I clamped the 2x4’s together so when drilling the first piece it would mark the correct location on the second. The holes were drilled with a 1” hole saw on a hand drill. Would recommend a drill-press instead if you have it. I had to stop frequently to let my drill cool down. The holes are spaced 1.5“ part
I built the next frame and got lucky. The holes lined up and the pipe fit perfectly. My cross pieces for the frame are 36” and the pipe pieces are 38” long so they won’t work or if the holes once complete. I miscounted and was short 2 pieces which I’ll pick up today
pocket holes to attach the legs to the base and the false bottom. The legs are 15” long which should be enough clearance to harvest while keeping the overall height at 4’
Assembled the base and false bottom
that’s where I am so far. I should be able to finish it this week. I’ll attach upper legs and frame and then deck out the worm box.


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Hey all. I finally started my worm bin this weekend and should finish it today. I decided to post pics and I have a question on getting started

The bin is 6’x3’ and approximately 4’ tall. The worm box is 25” tall. The bottom will be lined with solid cardboard to make a floor with shredded cardboard on top for bedding. I will be starting it by feeding some old compost I have that dried out. I will rehydrate the compost and mix it with biolive. I will then put 5000 red wigglers in to get started. Once it’s up and running, the bin will also get kitchen scraps, shredded plants and old soil with rootballs.

I have enough Compost that I could fill the bin 24” deep to start if I wanted, but I’m guessing that if I did that, the worms would stay towards the top and the bottom would remain untouched.

My question is, how deep should I fill the bin to get started and how long before I can safely add a second layer?

Here is the bin I’m building. I’ll post finished pics once it’s complete

i started by building the base frame and adding 2x4’s to the ends to attach the casters to

View attachment 4602679

I decked the base and added casters. The casters are 5” and rated for a combined 2200#’s.
View attachment 4602663
the hardest and most time consuming part was drilling the holes for the 3/4” steel pipe. I clamped the 2x4’s together so when drilling the first piece it would mark the correct location on the second. The holes were drilled with a 1” hole saw on a hand drill. Would recommend a drill-press instead if you have it. I had to stop frequently to let my drill cool down. The holes are spaced 1.5“ part
View attachment 4602664
I built the next frame and got lucky. The holes lined up and the pipe fit perfectly. My cross pieces for the frame are 36” and the pipe pieces are 38” long so they won’t work or if the holes once complete. I miscounted and was short 2 pieces which I’ll pick up today
View attachment 4602665
pocket holes to attach the legs to the base and the false bottom. The legs are 15” long which should be enough clearance to harvest while keeping the overall height at 4’
View attachment 4602668
Assembled the base and false bottom
View attachment 4602677
that’s where I am so far. I should be able to finish it this week. I’ll attach upper legs and frame and then deck out the worm box.
Nice tools and workshop!!! Yeah, I'm a little jealous...
nice man, can't wait to see this thing up and running. you and @MustangStudFarm are really doing some cool things with the worms right now..:) Maybe one day I can get onto your guy's levels, but for now the totes will have to suffice.

Take care though sir and hope all goes well moving forward with your organic endeavors.
Hit a few delays this week but was able to get back to it today and the worm bin is finished!

mine note on the above. I had put two pocket hole screws in each leg but didn’t feel it was study enough so I went back and added a third screw on the opposite side of each board located between the first two screws. That sounds a little confusing and sadly I didn’t think to get a pic. Let me know ifit doesn’t make sense

started adding the sides. They didn’t All line up so I had to do a little extra cutting and except the occasional overhang but it’ll still serve its purpose
added the the false bottom. Very important that you add this BEFORE adding the front as the front covers the holes. I know this because I’m an experienced carpenter and have many projects under my belt and if anyone says I gained this knowledge in any other way THEYRE LYING!!! :D
NOW we can put on the front the second time :wall:
Then the sides
And we’re done!
adding the sides (full length on all sides at the front) really made this thing solidly, but I’m still glad I went back and added te extra screw on all 8 “legs”

After this, I grabbed the tractor and pallet forks and moved from the shop to its permanent home in the garage
I was on a roll, so after finishing the bin, I decided to go ahead and get it ready!

lined the bottom woth dry cardboard to create a floor
On top of the cardboard floor I added 3-4 inches of shredded, wet cardboard
and then 2-3 inches of some dried out compost that I rehydrated and mixed with a combination of bio-live, insect frass, rock dust (basalt, azomite,oyster shell and gypsum) and a little neem meal and bat guano.
I was tired, so instead of cutting I lid, i opted for a tarp covering.
It will sit there for 4 or 5 days until my worms arrive. I plan to add 5000 worms and then wait a week before feeding. We have a harvest in 10 days, so I’ll be feeding shredded plants and the used amended soil with rootballs
I added another 3-4” of old but rehydrates bu’s blend compost mixed with rice hulls, biolive, insect frass, azomite and neem seed meal. Hoping that with this mixed in as feed the worms will churn through the old compost and I’ll end up with some very nice ewc’s. i tried researching this but couldn’t find any info so I just decided to give it a try
Going to have to delay ordering worms by a week or so. The compost has REALLY heated up. I’ll have to wait for it to cool down
Well, i am STILL trying to get worms to go into my bin! I ordered 5000 from buckeyeorganics(the only place i could find selling worms in volumes over 500), but they arrived with the box damaged, leaking fluid and smelling ripe, so i didn't accept and sent them back. They sent me a message Monday saying they would reship but i haven't heard anything since. I ordered some super reds from unclejims a few days ago and they have an estimated delivery of friday, so hopefully i'll at least have those to go into my bin.

I did have a bit of good luck today. I was talking with a friend at work today and mentioned i was looking for a source of chicken, rabbit, cow or horse manure and she says "I have rabbits!". Looks like i will now have a regular source of rabbit manure to feed my worms! I was WAY too excited when she told me this :lol: .

I did a little research and one post i found suggested 50/50 rabbit manure with carbon source/bedding material, water and drain to remove urine and associated salts and let it sit for several days before feeding. That's my plan but curious if anyone else is using manure for their worms and what process they use? @MustangStudFarm , how about you?
I had a friend with rabbits. One shovel full from underneath of it would fill up a coffee can, enough worms for a trotline
WORMS! 500 super reds came in Friday from unclejims and 5000 red wigglers arrived yesterday from Buckeye Organics. I will say, speed of service and customer service appear to be superior at unclejims than Buckeye, but i did get my worms alive in the end.

I have orders arriving this week and next that include rove beetles, hypoaspis miles and Steinernema feltiae which i'll add to the bin hoping they will stick around and eventually end up in my soil. Its a one time purchase, so i figured it was worth a shot.

I'll give them about 2 weeks to turn the compost and amendments i started the bin with and then i'll start feeding kitchen scraps, rabbit manure and I made my own worm chow by mixing a 50 pound bag of bio-live with 60 pounds of alfalfa, 50 pounds crustacean meal, 50 pounds fish bone meal, 2 gallons of azomite and 2 gallons of oyster shell meal.
Well, after much debate and back and forth, i finally ordered some black soldier fly larvae today for the bin. The final straw was having to buy 4 25 pound bags of insect frass at $100 each. I figure the $25 investment in larvae will pay for itself pretty quickly ;)
So I fed the worm bin 15 pounds (a 5 gallon bucket full) of rabbit poop that had been washed along with an equal volume of used soil with the rootball (another roughly 10 pounds). This will be their diet supplemented with plants I’ve ran through a chipper.
in addition, each time I feed, I dump about half a gallon of a mix I made of alfalfa, biolive, crustacean meal, feather meal, azomite and oyster shell flower on top
I don’t have it yet, but once I have it, I’ll also be throwing some ground malted barley on top when I feed as well
Hopefully this will all payout with some really nice castings starting in about 90 days!
By the way, about 10 min after I watered in the rabbit poop, it came alive with whit worms crawling out of it.
anyone care to help me with an ID? Are they bsf larvae?
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