Finally got some growin!!

So after a few unsucsessful tries i finally got some decent seeds and they have begun to grow.

I germinated them and planted them. They sprouted about three weeks ago. The tallest is 4.5 inches, next is 4, last is 3.5. They were planted at the same time. They each have about five leafnodes. They are all starting to get that palmate leaf pattern. I planted them in organic mircle grow in seperate containers. I water them every day (i think this might be over watering them?).

They have a 45 inch long light. Its a florescent bulb that looks like a tube. It said grow light on it. The plants are directly underneath and the tallest is touching the light but the bulb doesnt get hot.

I havent given them any nutrients as i am unsure of what would be best. Ive heard a lot of different things. If anyone would like to help i'd love to know anything useful. I dont know much about lights, light cycles, male vs female, and when to harvest. ANY help would be very appriciated.


ok.given the fact that you're using MG you dont want to add any nutes,it has more than enough for the first two months.2-3 inches above the plants for lights,you dont want them to touch the light at all.Once you do start to feed them,use good nutes.Brand name is your choice.and I would only water them every 2-3 days.The roots dont like to be wet all the time.