Finally Ive made it for my first time =D


Well-Known Member
Ok guys so finally ive made my first grow become successful up until now and i think im ready to flower =D. Anything anyone could tell me thats really good to kno in flowering stage? or what not to do. also how much so i be giving it nutes and everything? Thanks guys please reply im trying to throw *her* into flowerin tonight or tomorrow :bigjoint::weed:


Well-Known Member
the one on the left is the one that made it and im about to flower *her*. by the way this pic is coming on a month old now sorry i just dont have a digi camera.. but i kno i would get more replies with a pic so this is the same plant :mrgreen:



Active Member
Umm start adding molasses to your watering once the plant is in full flower.

And as for nutes I would start at the lowest possible and give it nutes 2 time a week, like a Thursday and Tuesday or something.


Well-Known Member
just do what you've been doing just diff nutes and light cycle and never interrupt the dark period.


Well-Known Member
Umm start adding molasses to your watering once the plant is in full flower.

And as for nutes I would start at the lowest possible and give it nutes 2 time a week, like a Thursday and Tuesday or something.
thanks. well ive moved since the picture and i had to go stealth with it in my new house. ive made a box out of 2 going to be 3 rubbermaid boxes stacked. u kno. and im about to cover the inside with mylar before i flower. but im using 2 42w 6500k cfls, 1 27 watt 6500k, and 4 23 watt 2700k plus 2 little 13 watt 2700ks on the sides at the bottom.


Well-Known Member
The 6500k lights will not be as effective during the flower cycle as they were during the veg cycle. You need lights more in the red / orange range of the spectrum I.E. those 2500k lights or something like that. Can you spend 100$ on a light? If so get a HPS / MH light off ebay and you will be good for a long time. The MH light bulb is used during veg the HPS is used during flowering good luck.


Well-Known Member
Yeah your lights are fine for veg, but you want a lower spectrum around 25-44 k would be best. HPS is perfect for flowering, but they are a little pricey if your not looking to spend more than 150. I wouldn't start to add molasses to the last few weeks they will not need it early on.
Just using some bloom nutes, i.e higher p than n and k ratio is the best for flowering.


Well-Known Member
The 6500k lights will not be as effective during the flower cycle as they were during the veg cycle. You need lights more in the red / orange range of the spectrum I.E. those 2500k lights or something like that. Can you spend 100$ on a light? If so get a HPS / MH light off ebay and you will be good for a long time. The MH light bulb is used during veg the HPS is used during flowering good luck.
yeah i kno about the color spectrums. um how about would my plant not grow as much taller if i have less 6500ks in the box or will it grow about the same height difference just more light put to it? and no as of right now i dont have the money or the place for a hps light. i just moved into my new house and i had to go stealth with it. for awhile at least. but i cant hang a hps up in my closet for now just incase my landlord ever needs to fix somethin in my house dont need em to see it. but i am having a little heat issue as of right now. i need more exhaust and intake fans i only have one of each and for some reason its still reaching in between 85-90 idk why. and thats only with one 6500k and one 2700k in it right now. i cant imagine with all of em in there at once.. any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Yeah your lights are fine for veg, but you want a lower spectrum around 25-44 k would be best. HPS is perfect for flowering, but they are a little pricey if your not looking to spend more than 150. I wouldn't start to add molasses to the last few weeks they will not need it early on.
Just using some bloom nutes, i.e higher p than n and k ratio is the best for flowering.
these nutes that i found in my house that im using for right now has 15-30-15 that im goin to use during flower i guess. but im only using these other ones i found 20-20-20 for the veg its in as of now. that im planning on putting into flower hopefully tomorrow


Well-Known Member
any suggestions for how i can handle more heat from the extra like 7 lights or about the nutes im gonna use on it while in flower?


Well-Known Member
If you can't get a HPS light then you can probably just change most of your smaller lights to "warm" fluorescents (cfls) You apparently want a mix of the blue and red spectrum during flowering, I am getting a HPS now but originally I was just going to change my light bulbs from "cool" 6500k lights to mostly "warm" 2500k lights. I was going to change 9 of my 16 bulbs but I am just a newbie and have no idea what sort of mix you should aim for.

As for nutrients just hit up a nursery and tell them you need some fertilizer for plants that are about to start "flowering". They will lead you towards something with approximately the correct values of N-P-K in it.


Well-Known Member
um well i dont know for sure but i thought the warm whites produce more heat than the cool whites.. right? lol it sounds like it


Well-Known Member
I am willing to bet more heat will be created by the warm colour ones. Isn't kelvin a measure of temperature? I am a newb myself bud but I would just switch over at least half my lights maybe 2/3 to the warm ones, definitely leave some blue/white though don't get rid of it completely. If heat builds up a bit cut holes, fans, etc.. etc...

That is when flowering just go pure 6500k for veg.