

Well-Known Member
Decided to expand my garden so I had a load of soil brought in.

I was working on it and was told to leave it alone that my Son would do it.

I'm waiting and have Tomato Plants in the Greenhouse. They was getting way too big so I decided to start some and Compost the others.

Still waiting. Son was in no hurry because he said it was too late to plant.

Told my wife I guess I'm going to have to do it myself. She runs to our Son and tells him.

He comes to me Dad I will spread it out. You put what you want on it, I'll be back in couple days and till it.

Well I put some Compost on it and Wood Ash. He come back and Tilled it and put up couple Cattle Panels for Trellis.

I planted two rows of Okra, two rows of Green Bush Beans, one row of Pole Beans, one row of Cucumbers, several Tomatoes and Spaghetti Squash.