FinnWinn's 2021 organic outdoor grow. VA southeast


I'm documenting this grow on another websites forum as well so you may see this twice.

Hello everyone! My name is Finn and this is my 2021 organic outdoor grow in southeast VA. Summertime here is a bit "tropical". Temperatures in the upper 90's with 70%+ humidity is not uncommon during peak summer. Fall isn't so bad here, but the humidity is still high, so moisture control is a battle near harvest.

So I never expected these plants to get as big as they did. I usually do a pathetic attempt at outdoor Scrog. Since state legalization this year, I decided I wanted big plants. This was a mistake, and I'm dealing with it the best I can.

I built my planter boxes 3ft x 3ft, expecting 4 or 5ft plants. We're at 8ft now and still growing, so f*ck me. I've caged the plants up so I can wrap in plastic during the fall. The plants are cramped and there will be struggles, I know. Just kinda rolling with the hand I dealt myself.

Organic fertilizers, mostly guano. Lots of compost tea using worm castings and molasses. Thuricide is the only pest control I've used so far. I have used a little Epsom salt sometimes, so maybe not 100% organic. 100% natural

The picture with me in it is for size reference. I'm a little over 6ft. Pics will probably load in reverse order, but they're from early May, to now. Questions, comments, and advice always welcome. Let us enjoy this journey and see what happens...
Here's some pics of last year's attempt at an outdoor scrog. Chopped a few weeks earlier than I planned due to finding bud rot in two buds. 4x4 square.20201025_015728.jpg20201025_015644.jpg20201023_180600.jpg20201023_180550.jpg20201023_180545.jpg20201020_064815.jpg20201019_171928.jpg20201019_170948.jpg20201017_135555.jpg20200930_173928.jpg
Had to trim some tops yesterday. Didn't want to do it this late, but the plants were already approaching 8ft. Have to keep them under 8ft so they can't be seen from the street. One of the silly laws the state has put in place. I'm sure the girls will be fine, I just hope I didn't delay flowering too much by doing it this late.
