first attempt at LST


Well-Known Member
just tied down my young'un this afternoon. had a look only 6 hours later, and she has already completely adjusted to the new shape!

anyone want to comment on how she's looking? the bottom leaves are getting kind of yellow - perhaps she's old enough to start taking some nutes?

i've got 8 42w CFLs on her.


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
yes, HE is ready for a feeding .. yikes. did I say "he"...

Make sure you pH your water and do not overwater....ONLY WATER once every 3-7 days with a large quantity of water... she looks a bit over watered and soft...

If you have 8 cfls on her, I would expect closer node growth... are the lights close to the foliage? do you have a fan?

LIKE i said before... pHing the water will be key to the longevity of this baby...



Well-Known Member
did you say "he" because it looks like a male? or just joking around...

i've been trying to figure out the whole watering thing. still fine tuning. I was under the impression that watering small doses on a more regular basis was better than a big dump all at once. why do you suggest the other way?

ohh yeah, i have yet to do any ph'ing / testing with these plants - i've honestly just stretched my student loan as far as it will go. any uber economical ph systems out there you'd recommend?


Well-Known Member
When you water a little bit every day it doesnt train the roots to grow down, where as if you water once every 4-5 days it allows for the pot to dry out completely and then be soaked, leaving the moisture at the bottom of the pot and training the roots to grow down. Also think about them growing outside naturally, it doesnt rain small amounts every day does it?


Active Member
its looking good dont over water though thats why its slatching most likely and it looks like a female dont worry