first attempt with clones


Well-Known Member
these clones were cut august 1 o8. this is atempt # 8 for me first six cat ate didn't know untill #6, attempt #7 was a male. a little bit discurouraged I asked a freind for some clones and here we are. I really hope this works I am not used to so much failure but I won,t quit trying.



Well-Known Member
good luck with it bro, that must be 1 mean cat u have got, clone can be very unforgiving at the best of times when startin out,too wet, to dry, not enough heat, to much heat, not enough humidity all these problems you will learn to overcome but a ganja munchin cat will take a little bit longer to work out.


Well-Known Member
Good luck man. i was having the worst luck cloning when i first tried earlier this year. it took me 5 times to finally get it down. it takes alot of practice and patience. now i get 100% success rates. try different methods and find what works best for you... i hope you succeed.


Well-Known Member
any minute now. my first try with cloning i got roots at 11 days. I just transplanted it today in soil. I'm gonna take 4 more tonite and see what happens wish me luck. your look good just a little more patience you'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
day 11 and still no sign of roots 2 visibly look like they are dying, These clones were cut wile the plant was already into flowering stage, my freind said that they were in shock and would take a couple of weeks to root hope he is wright.


Well-Known Member
day 11 and still no sign of roots 2 visibly look like they are dying, These clones were cut wile the plant was already into flowering stage, my freind said that they were in shock and would take a couple of weeks to root hope he is wright.

if they r wilting on day 11 chances r they will die but i am not the grim reaper so i wish ya the best of luck, i have been clonin a while and have found if you flush the plants for at least three days b4 you take cuttings they will root faster.


Well-Known Member
only 2 r wilting there is still 4 that look very healthy so I am still hopfull lol only time will tell I did some work for someone and part of the deal was 2 healthy plants one is freezeland and the other is strawberrycough,going fishing for a week pick up when i return ( lots of clones to try to learn with).


Well-Known Member
:shock::smile:wahoo... got home from a week of fishing and 1 plant (freezland) had fully rooted and 3 others have started and 2 died I am happy with the results for my first try with clones surprised it almost took 3 weeks for roots, also shocked that the strawberrycough rooted it was already in flowering stage and is a autoflowerer I thought u couldnt clone a auto flowerer allways learnin will get some pics as soon as there all in pots peace


Well-Known Member
picked up a 175 metal halide hooked it up today very happy I will continue to us cfl for my seedling and clones might even use them for veg unsure any way I am very happy to see some promising results after my run of bad luck will post some picks soon


Well-Known Member
you ever consider topping or fim the plant? I was thinking about doing it to one of my clones to get a shorter bushier girl.


Well-Known Member
seems streesful for hydro... just my opinion. But I am really interested in fim. ever try that?


Well-Known Member
yea just for the simple fact of where does the plant brace itself if the roots are suspended in water. But if it works it works... right