first balcony grow


Well-Known Member
What do you people think of her? I have been feeding her 15-30-15 nutes and mollasses for about a week ad a half. The buds are not growing to quick. How lond do they take to mature? I have no microscope. How long do you think she will take to be ready? I don't know what strain. Any ideas what strain. How much should I water her? I water every morning. I make sure the dirt is atleast wet. Will she grow slower if watered to much? How much do you think she will yield?



Well-Known Member
too much h20. oxygen needs to get to the roots, so you want the top soil to dry out. water when you can stick your finger in and it feels dry


Well-Known Member
The pot I have it in has a hole in the bottom to feel it. Should I use that or just feed it thorugh the dirt on top. What would be better? I will start watering every few days . Will the buds fatten with less watering?


Well-Known Member
Weed grew wild for centuries fine, and it will do w/o ur water just fine. =)

Feed it through the top, just only when it's DRY. Roughly every 4-5 days or so..


Well-Known Member
molasses + water every time = yes
nutes everytime = no, unless its dilute. im actually doing this since my water pH is about 8 out the tap, so i use 1/4 recommended high nitrogen fert to help bring down the pH, and to avoid N deficiencies once flowering has started. i use a completely separate P-K fertilizer with higher strength, but only about once a week.


Active Member
No one seems to be worried that there is a plant on your apt porch that really looks like it would stick out like a sore thumb


Well-Known Member
There is only an apartment on my left that would be able to see it if they looked around the wall separating our balconies. From the ground you would have to have binoculars to see them. I have looked from the ground. My neighbour would be the only rat if any.