First Big Guerilla Scene


Active Member
Hey everybody my name is...well that doesnt matter but what does matter is what i have been doing for the last three months. I set up three main scenes. One on a private property on one big one in the mountains. In the mountains i used a huge irrigation system with four trash cans being filled up by a water line from a creek a mile away./ Off the four trash cans,(Which are connected) we have a 3 inch 50 ft. hose that runs down our five beds. We set timers up to the 3 inch water line and sprinkler systems. I am somewhat an experienced grower. i HAVE A FEW PICs from the first few weeks then my camera broke what do you think



Well-Known Member
yo man how do you pump your water from the creek, do you use a huge gas powered pump, im trying to acheive the same thing, but im only about 50 yards from my creek and its slightly up hill, trying to figure a way to pump water up there with out making a ton of noise, you should through me a pm and explain your whole water sytem, it sounds like it really works.


Well-Known Member
If i were you the first thing I'd do would be to make sure my hoses' and pipes are well hidden, they are easily spotted by choppers and planes. Keep us posted.:-D


Active Member
Ok so i have gottin a few more replys than i expected but for the first question that was asked, my creek up close to a mile away but it is actually upstream from the scene so we use gravity feed to the trash cans. Im not worried at all about the police, rippers or helicopters, where this is its almost accepted for me to do this, and also the police have more things to worry about than a 50 plant scene. The bigger plants are the private property and I have 15 more in a creek. Keep posting and send me some kudos. peace


Active Member
Oh And By The Way I Do Not Own Any Of These Plants These Are A Friends Of A Freinds So Any Cops That Want To Fuck With Me I Dont Even Smoke I Just Look And Learn For Knowledge