First Bubbletronic Grow - Late Start


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I suppose I should have started a thread right away, but to be honest, I NEVER thought I could actually do this (major black thumb). Figured I would wait until things were farther along, and it is all so exciting I forgot! I keep a pretty good journal on my PC, so I can back-track. I had read A LOT of info before starting, but I truly didn't know what I was doing.
4-17 thru 5-5 2009
Here goes! Got my MMU and decided rather than spend all of my money on smoke, I would give growing a try. Bought a Strealth Hydro Bubbletronic System and 10 carmelicious seeds (with 20 free seeds) from Amsterdam. Set the system up in my basement closet and the seeds arrived on April 30th. I used the paper towel method for germination - 1 carmelicious and 2 of the free seeds. That worked very well. On May 2nd I put them in the rockwool cubes and in the SH unit. On 5-3, they peeked through the rockwool, kewl. I put baggies over them to keep the humidity in.
Room temp 78
Ph 6.1 in a.m. 7.25 in p.m.
Humidity 43



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05-06 - 5-10
A (the first plant pic) is doing very well. Her sister C (the caramelicious) is also doing great. The stepsister so far (B, the 2nd pic), is just starting to peek through. I tried the nutes today. I mixed a half bag of micro and half bag veg packets in a jug, and put half of that in the tank today. The Ph went down to 5.5, so I had my first attempt at Ph up.
I started the fan today and also starting spraying 2-3 times with seltzer. A & C are doing great! B is beginning to worry me, very little movement, but I will wait a little longer..... The humidity is rising in the room, its about 43 now, temp is still 78. Ph went up today, so I got to use the Ph down today. Not a lot of changes, but I love pictures, so here goes...
Temp 78
Ph 7.25
Humidity 43



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Added the second light yesterday and covered the rockwool with the hydroton rocks. Thank you to
The Ph is still running at 7. I dont understand that ...I keep using the Ph down and it doesnt stay down. Now the new problem. A (the first 2 pics) is showing signs of illness on 2 leaves. Maybe it is the Ph problem, or maybe something else. ? I am giving up on B and going to clean out her basket and replace all the water. Don't think I should I use nutes when I replace the water. C (last 2 pics) so far isnt having any problems... straight and happy. Seems lke they are growing slow for 8 days old? I have never even seen a pot plant, so I have no real idea.



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Well, the Ph went back up to 7.25 tonite, so I guess I am supposed to change the water?? Hell, I dont know what to do... "A" is getting more leaves and looking much better, B is still dead (duh) and C is still doing fine. All are going slow though (I think). The second light added a lot of heat to the poor little room, it is up to 84, humidity is only 39.


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I panicked...1 dead and 1 sick - so... Since I hadnt learned any different, I went ahead and changed the water, removed the dead seed and rockwool, cleaned the tub, hydroton and the pump. Then I may have screwed up, I put 2 new germinated seeds in, one for B and now D. So now the 2 older girls are 11 days (miscalculated age earlier) older than the 2 younger ones. One more carmelicious and one more of the free ones. Probably just complicated life even further, but I didnt think 2 plants would be enough if it is going to be sooooooo long between harvests (at this rate ????),patience, patience, patience... The ph on the water was 5.6 this morning and after the day, it is now 6.25. Better so far. The 2 girls A & C are about the same, A looks happier tho. I covered the new ones w/tupperware bowls for humidity til they get photo leaves.
I am currently nute free, but check it in the morning and evening. I put ph down pretty much every morning, get it down and by evening it is too high. I thought I would wait a day or two to see if it was the nutes raising the ph, it isn't.
i will work on patience!! i will work on patience!! i will work on patience!! i will work on patience!!
Ph stayed at 6.25, so I gave them a little food (1/4 serving of micro and veg nutes). Will check it in a few hours, see how high ph goes. They seem to be doing good! If all is OK, will give same amount of nutes every other day until full meal is served.
Ph is up to 7.5....DAMN IT
Pretty sure the tank has algae:(. Water is slimey & kinda smelly. Gonna try 1 teaspoon hydrogen peroxide, see if that fixes it. Wonder if this could this be the cause of ph problem?



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5-14 to 5-19
A is doing great, C is good too B sleeping but D woke up! Fed them a bit Ph is still going up to 7 or 7.5 every evening. I don't know why.
Changed the water again, cleaned EVERYTHING with hydrogen peroxide solution. Not sure I can grow this. Dunno how to get rid of the algae. Plants aren't looking so good. added a 2nd air stone & covered the pots, am hoping that helps.
I have got problems... First of all, I got the Ph problem all worked out. I changed from the powder Ph down to a liquid Ph down from a different manufacturer. It stays between 5.6 and 6 all the time now. "April" was doing great until I controlled the Ph, and then well you can see by the picture, she immediately started balling up and in 6 days, there you have it. On the other hand, "Candy", was having some problems before and now - boom. The last picture is "Debbie", she is 11 days younger than her sisters. NO IDEA what could be happening with April! She is still alive, but barely. Also, I used hygrozyme at the same time I changed the Ph solution, April no longer has stem rot (she barely has any roots either), but Candy still has it pretty bad (but her roots are ridiculously healthy and long). Her stem is thick like a pencil and not growing very tall, just bushy. Debbie has no stem rot, and her roots are weaving in and out thru the hydroton, I kinda suck at this, but will keep on plugging away.



Active Member
My largest plant, Candy is getting sick. Her roots are turning brown and a few leaves turning
yellowish brown with brown spots
I talked to the guy at the hydroponics store today, and he had a helleva story for me. He said that algae is necessary for a healthy hydro grow, He said NOT to use hydrogen peroxide ever in the tank, because it kills algae and other "necessaries" (whatever the hell those are) and that was what was wrong with my plants. He also said to never use covers on the net pots, because that prevents algae. It was a very unusual conversation. I tend to believe the people here and the other forums, but as a newbie it is all SOOOOO confusing. I keep thinking that I am in over my head, but I have too much money invested into this already (plus I am one stubborn old bitch) I refuse to give up, Still have one sick plant and one that just isnt growing they are only 11 days apart, but they look more like a month apart, All together I germinated 5 seeds (the 2 caramelicious are still going - the 3 free seeds didnt make it)



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I ordered a Hanna PPM meter and a few other items... fingers are crossed.
Still vegging. Debbie is catching up to Candy. They are both looking pretty good. The room is starting to really smell awesome! Water temps are staying around 66-70 with the ice. The room temp is 68-77. Humidity is 47-54. PPM dropped from 700 to 610 in one day. It is beginning to look verrrrry promising!!!! And getting to be a lotta fun.



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The big plants are doing great. Debbie is still a lot smaller, but thats OK. I took clones last week, 4 from Candy and 2 from Debbie, they had some trouble getting going, but they are doing fine now. Building a grow room for them, it should be finished by Wed. Hoping the main plants are female, or at least Candy! PICS: Candy & her roots are 1st, then Debbie & her roots. Room temp 69-77
Water temp 64
Ph 5.87
PPM 1074
Humidity 47-54



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The new grow room is finished. Its bigger than I thought it was gonna be, but that just means that I can grow more plants! Its 83" tall, 47" wide and 38" deep. I was hoping to be able to control the humidity in there, because it is completely enclosed, but no such luck yet. I have a dehumidifier, 3 fans (1 intake, 1 exhaust & 1 oscillating), 2 large vents on the sides (that I can close when wanted) 3 air stones in the tank. The pumps are all outside the unit, heat is 75-78 day and 67-68 at nite. Water temp is betwen 66 and 69. Humidity is almost always 51-53. How do I lower it??????????? More fans? Another dehumidifier? I DO NOT want bud mold (if I ever get bud)!
Ph 6.1
PPM 1170
Humidity 49-54



Active Member
Added a second oscillating fan for RH control and a 2nd exhaust fan in the top. Still havent been able to sex Candy or Debbie. The clones are Eve, Foxy, Goldie, Honey, Ivy and Jenny.
Candy is a girl!!
7-21 Water temps are too high in clones and in flower room, adding ice bottles to both (two to clones and 1 to Moms)
7-22 Debbie is a dude - crap. Yanked his butt (and Ivy one of his clones). When ice is used, water temps are 68-72 otherwise they are 74-84. Pictures are C-E-F-G-H-J



Active Member
Well, it has been a whirlwind update on my grow, I will try to be much more detailed now. I almost lost my plants several times to several different screw ups, but thanks to the people at
my plants and I survived.
Here are the latest pictures:
1 - Candy
2 - Signs of flowers
3 - More signs
4 - Eve
5 - Foxy
6 - Goldie
7 - Hal (the other male clone)
8 - Jenny



Active Member
My largest plant, Candy is getting sick. Her roots are turning brown and a few leaves turning
yellowish brown with brown spots.

Are there any light leaks in your tub? If so, then that could be contributing to the browning roots. Also keeping the PH as stabilized as possible should help not stress the seedlings as much. My guess is that it may be the acidity of the rockwool that is affecting the ph of the grow medium, causing the leaves to show the stress. By the way, what kind of lights are you using? Are you using distilled or RO water? 1/4 strength for the nutes until they get a little older.... For veg, you want a higher humidity level so you're ok there.

I talked to the guy at the hydroponics store today, and he had a helleva story for me. He said that algae is necessary for a healthy hydro grow, He said NOT to use hydrogen peroxide ever in the tank, because it kills algae and other "necessaries" (whatever the hell those are) and that was what was wrong with my plants. He also said to never use covers on the net pots, because that prevents algae.

I would disagree here about not using covers and about leaving the algae in. Bad, bad ideas in my opinion. The last thing you want to deal with in your tub is pythium (root rot) which is where the hygrozyme or hydrogren peroxide comes in to help control/prevent it. My reasoning for this is: you don't want light leaking into your water, ever! It will encourage the algae/pythium to feed off of your roots, which you don't want either. The cover over the net pot(s) should both shield the hydroton and seedling away from unwanted light AND it keeps the humidity underneath higher so that the bubbling water will help increase the available oxygen to the roots. I would advise cover the tops of your grow tub with mylar to help keep the water temp consistent and to reflect the lights back up the plants.

Now that you have got the PH under control (good move from powder to liquid btw, the power was probably more concentrated anyway which may have contributed to the high ph of the rockwool keeping it on the rise stressing both you and the seedlings!), you dont want to battle leaking lights, brown roots, etc during veg. Good to hear that some of the seedlings are pushing through due to the circumstances, but keep at it. Ask for help and read as much as you can here and get some grow books (online/paperback). It will help give you background so that you'll know better when going into the hydro store and being led astray. Good luck, consistency is always the key.


Active Member
Are there any light leaks in your tub? If so, then that could be contributing to the browning roots.
I think it was the "open net pots"
Also keeping the PH as stabilized as possible should help not stress the seedlings as much. My guess is that it may be the acidity of the rockwool that is affecting the ph of the grow medium, causing the leaves to show the stress.
Changing to the liquid Ph down helped A LOT!!
By the way, what kind of lights are you using?
Dual Spectrum II CFLs from Stealth Hydro
Are you using distilled or RO water?
Purified water
1/4 strength for the nutes until they get a little older.... For veg, you want a higher humidity level so you're ok there.

I would disagree here about not using covers and about leaving the algae in. Bad, bad ideas in my opinion. The last thing you want to deal with in your tub is pythium (root rot) which is where the hygrozyme or hydrogren peroxide comes in to help control/prevent it. My reasoning for this is: you don't want light leaking into your water, ever! It will encourage the algae/pythium to feed off of your roots, which you don't want either. The cover over the net pot(s) should both shield the hydroton and seedling away from unwanted light AND it keeps the humidity underneath higher so that the bubbling water will help increase the available oxygen to the roots. I would advise cover the tops of your grow tub with mylar to help keep the water temp consistent and to reflect the lights back up the plants.
I also disagreed with him also!! WHY would they make them and sell them and everyone in here use them is they were unneccessary??
Now that you have got the PH under control (good move from powder to liquid btw, the power was probably more concentrated anyway which may have contributed to the high ph of the rockwool keeping it on the rise stressing both you and the seedlings!), you dont want to battle leaking lights, brown roots, etc during veg. Good to hear that some of the seedlings are pushing through due to the circumstances, but keep at it. Ask for help and read as much as you can here and get some grow books (online/paperback). It will help give you background so that you'll know better when going into the hydro store and being led astray. Good luck, consistency is always the key.

Thanks for reading my journal and for the input! +rep