First CFL/ DWC hydro Grow - WW feminized


Active Member
Hey guys, so this is my first grow (kinda). I tried to grow misty seeds in a closet at my house but I was having a hard time controlling the temperature and humidity. The plants got to a decent size in about a month but then mold grew and it spread so i said F*ck it and threw them all out and moved all the garbage of this room in my basement and started a new grow there.

I got white widow feminized seeds from an amsterdam seedbank and went for it. I bought the DWC kit from and like other threads have said, its not really worth the money since it is very simple to build and probably cheaper, and as well the nutrients, pump, and air disks arent that great either. But hey, you live and learn. So now im using the tub still (holds 4 gallons) with the pots but i have 2 6" air disks in the tub and a nice pump that is for 60 gallon fish tanks, so its fairly powerful.

My plan is to grow sea-of-green style, and split the room into a flower and veg side so i can run a continous crop. That way before i flower, I will take clones (i have a dome and rooting gel) and keep all the plants laidies. In the pictures, the veg side is on the other side of the curtain, with the same tub but only 1 air disk and a smaller pump.

For the lights: In the flowering side I have 4 85 Watts CFLs that combined should pump out ~1700 lumens. In the veg side i have 2 65 watts Cfls which should have about 7000 lumens. And the colors for the light are equally split - as in the flowering side there are 2 soft white and 2 cool whites and in the veg there is 1 cool white and 1 soft white. The lights are also from stealth hydro but you definetly gotta give them that, they provide excellent lights that produce very little heat relative to how much light they pump out. The temp in the room is about 25-28 C and thats is in a room that has very little ventilation. Also one last thing is that because the lack of ventilation i would assume that little co2 gets in there, so i have 2 paintball tanks that i use to add co2 to the room. It was a great idea and a 20 oz can last me about a month.

Anyways, i think that is all. The plants are currently in their 14th day and i also added pictures of the grow room setup, the plants a couple days after germination and now, and the nutrients.Let me know what you guys think!


Ps: Representing Canada!



Active Member
Looks like your grow is going well, wish you good luck. I'm doing the same grow, feminized White Widow, DWC, and CFL lights. Good luck, pulling lawn chair


Active Member
Day 20: Plants are looking good, just upped the nutrients and changed the water. There is very little nutrient burn on the tips of some leaves, mostly older ones.

Does anybody know what the spots on the last picture could be? I don't think its fungus but I'm not sure. Its only on two leaves and they are the bigger older ones.



Active Member
So the plants must be having a deficiency. There is necrosis and leaf tips dying on a lot of the plants. I think it was either calcium, or a nutrient lockout. i think I played too much with the Ph up/down solutions so i think that was what did it. I flushed them for two days and i added the ProBlend Grow with a little Pro blend Bloom and i added liquid karma as well cuz i have heard its good. They seem to be getting better so if they look good by the end of this week im gonna start flowering.



Active Member
Plants are looking good. The biggest one is growing like crazy at a height of a foot and 2 inches and crazy amounts of branches and shoots. The littler ones are also doing well but not growing as fast, the littlest one being 10 inches. The clones are also doing well. Yesterday they were really really droopy and today the little guys have stood up a little more and i think are trying to grow new leaves. bongsmilie



Active Member
ya its surprising how tall they get. The problem is my lights cant go any higher so i need to figure out a way for them not to grow any taller


Active Member
Thx 14 Pimp, and i know i should probably have hps, but the grow room is too small and cfls seem to be working well, so ill see how this bud turns and then decide if i shud get an hps. The buds are looking good, except on one. the littlest one is wayyy smaller than the other ones, so it only has trouble getiing light and has one bud site on the top and it looks kinda weak. On the good side, the big one is massive and bushy and has a stalk a little bigger than a quarter i wud say .It has mad bud sites of decent size, with the top one being giant. I hope it doesnt get any taller, cuz the lights cant go any higher :-?.



Well-Known Member
hey who changed my profile pic? jerks... yea they will probably keep growing until at least the third week of 12/12. you can try pinching the stems so they quit growing vert.


Active Member
So i woke up today and BAM, the biggest plant has trichomes all over it and the big bud is looking so good. I tired to take picture of the trichomes, but my cam isnt good enuff, but it looks awesome bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
looking good brother, have you seen those $20 hps? That would give you some good yields for cheep. happy growing