First cfl grow check it out


This is my first real cfl grow. im using miracle gro soil with perlite. under 4 6500k 26 what light bulbs. just wondering how it looks to others that are knowledgable. Its about 6 days old. i water it about every 3-4 days not going to use any nutes less i really need them later on. Just trying to get feedback on how it looks so far. Thanks for any feedback.


need feed back. went in today and was adding couple more lights n me being dumbass knocked pot over spilling some soil made plant fall out. so i pack new soil in watered it lil more and not its standing straight up like it was in above pic. will this plant be okay to keep growing. i kinda figured if anything it will be stunted growth for now. Any ideas? should i start over?


Well-Known Member
dont start over. keep cfls as close as you can without burning plant. keep your ph 6.2-6.8, wait a month, then use 1/4 strength nutes.... good luck


Calyx LED
Looks like overwatering to me. Make sure you water well (until water drips from the bottom) then let dry almost totally. I water my 6" pots once a week...

You gotta make it work for the water! Otherwise they get lazy like it looks now.


okay well i just now transplanted into a 14'' pot and watered it just a little bit other wise im going to leave it dry out for at least 3-4 days . Thanks for feedback everyone.


okay well i just now transplanted into a 14'' pot and watered it just a little bit other wise im going to leave it dry out for at least 3-4 days . Thanks for feedback everyone.

Yeah if i was you i would let the top soil become brittle before you water again. your plants are drowning!


was it okay for me to go head transplant and water it a little? Either way now ima let soil get dry and crusty for now


Well-Known Member
Nismo.... to accurately water your plants, firstly make sure your water has a ph between 6.2-6.8, after that mix up your nutes if your using any. i usually mix gallons of water at a time, then i take that into the garden area. take large container of water and pour it into an average size cup. use this cup to water the plants. pour cup in, wait 20 sec or so to check for runoff, then pour more in. water your plant until water begins to drip from drainage holes, not pour. that's why you wanna give each cup you put in some time, to allow soil to absorb before adding more. when water leaves container, your done. to know when to water plant again, push your finger about 2" down into soil. if it's at all moist there, leave it go another day. if it's dry that far down, give her water.... it's nearly impossible to over or under water using that method.... good luck


aright thanks so much for the tips. and im using no nutes just because i have miracle grow soil so i dont wanna over fertilize it.


Heres a quick update, plant is now 3 weeks old about foot tall still 24h light. But i was wondering if i should now switch to 18/6 so there's not much of jump once i go 12/12.



Well-Known Member
that's your call Nismo. i go right from 24 hours to 12 with no transitioning and my plants always do fine. if you'd feel better doin it gradually, have at it. your result will be the same :) lookin good....


will it grow more if i leave it on 24h rather then 18/6 and i also thought it would be good to switch to 18/6 since its suppose to develop better root system?


This is my first real cfl grow. im using miracle gro soil with perlite. under 4 6500k 26 what light bulbs. just wondering how it looks to others that are knowledgable. Its about 6 days old. i water it about every 3-4 days not going to use any nutes less i really need them later on. Just trying to get feedback on how it looks so far. Thanks for any feedback.
man where your photos i dont see growing for the first time with 4 26w cfl 1750 lumens in a box check me out:leaf: dam man nice plant i must be filling right I aint see it at first.. hehehehehehe.......:joint: