First Coco Grow, seedlings need help plz!

Hi so this is my 2nd grow, first coco grow and sadly i'm already having issues! my plants are about 14 days old and have stopped growing and are turning yellow/white/brown! I thought i was using too much light before so cut it down a few days ago but still no improvement.

at first was using 2 t5's hanging above and 4 cfl 6400k bulbs. thought that was too much light for sprouts so just put it under the 2 t5's and 1 cfl bulb.

here are pics of two of my sprouts. let me know what you think.

i've been PH'ing the water to about 5.5-6.0 since i know coco uses a bit less PH. no nutes yet tho just straight water and coco.



I'm no expert, I too just started a seed in coco 2 weeks ago. One thing I have read numerous times is that coco requires nutes from the beginning because it lacks it in the medium, unlike soils. I started mine out with 1/4 strength CNS17 Coco Grow and 2.5ml CalMag+. It's doing great now.


Well-Known Member
Start feeding it. It's starved. Looks like a host of deficiencies. Looks a bit dry too (the coco that is). I'm just starting a little coco experiment myself so I am no expert but from what I have been told you don't want to let coco dry out like you would soil. Feed low ec doses daily and make sure that medium stays moist throughout or the ec of the medium will skyrocket. Start giving it some food and some cal-mag and I bet it will bounce back.


Well-Known Member
i agree. if you like coco, you can always go with a pre-mixed bog of Sunshine Mix Advanced #4. it has enough starter nutes to get you through the first 3 weeks. stuff is awesome!! i was always told by one of my hippie buddies wayyyyy back in the day to always go with a soil-less medium. i chose coco. i had some small nute issues in the begging, but they were in week 3 until i started feeding or even noticing they needed to be feed


Well-Known Member
hmm i think that's what the problem might be, I'd read about salt build up in coco, so i pre rinsed my medium 2-3 times with distilled water and let it sit for a day before i put in the seedling with about 5 table spoons of distilled. Never fed it anything, its been 3 weeks lol, I just read today that coco can actually uptake nutrients from your plant :O if it itself is lacking enough. fml, think i screwed up :p on my first "offical" grow, i've had 1-2 before but they were just to see if i could even do it (no intentions to finish), and now that i actually want the damn things stuff gets complicated.