First DIY Aerocloner roots in 9 days

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First time cloning and first time aerocloning.This is what i got after 9 days. Only on 2 out of 15. the others are just starting to show. I live in a hot area and my water gets up to 85°F which is not good from what i read. But i put ice in and it don't go down. Anyways I think 9 days is pretty good for a first timer. Roots look good/? Yeah?? oh, It Purp OG Kush by the way. Just wanted to share

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Active Member
roots look great! ive been thinking about trying aeroponic cloning for a while now, can you upload a pic of your cloner?


Well-Known Member
aero is all i do and i dont even worry about temps in cloner. they like it a little warmer. worry about temps when you have roots to rot.
I have been rooting in a EZ cloner for some time now and it is just amazing All i use is clonex solution and super thrive after i dip the cutting in clonex gel also. Ph tap water to 5.8 and let it growDSCN1235.jpgDSCN1234.jpgIMG_0381.jpg


Well-Known Member
gels and clone solutions really arent needed. and ph ing cloner water is a waste of time and chemicals, ph affects nute uptake not water uptake.
I have tryed it all different was and this is what works for me and my system my roots start to for in under 4 days roots pop by day five so it works great for me.