First DWC Failed Need Help!

Tried to do a deep water culture system. It turned out that my plant wasn't liking it, Im REALLY trying 2 get this operation off the ground but for some reason my clone wasn't taking to well to it, i have a video of my setup, i believe my water leaves wern't correct, i had the water so that it was hitting the bottom of the rockwell and bubbling at the roots of the plant, still the plant showed burnt tips and yellowing of the leaves. Anyone have any possible answers? Here is a posted link to my video of my setup!


Well-Known Member
Water levels that are too high normaly drown the plant,not burn tips.

The water should not be touching the net pot,there should be a 2" gap between the net pots bottom & the water line,bubbles from airstones keep the net pot moist,once roots grow you need to adjust water levels so not all root mass is under water.

Sounds to mee like a ph or nutrient problem.

What is the nominal ph ?

What ppm nutrients ?

What if any additives are you using?

What are you usinh to control ph fluctuations ? Acid,lemon juice & vinegar ?

What are the water temps ?

How many airstones & how well do the airstones move the water ?

What type water,tap water,city water,well water,bottled water,ro water ect ?

What is the starting ppm of the water,before nutes ?

Lotsa unanswered questions but im sure its an easy fix as dwc is easier than soil,i moved your thread to hydroponics/dwc so it gets the proper help,post some answers & we will get ya helped out.


Well-Known Member
Water levels that are too high normaly drown the plant,not burn tips.

The water should not be touching the net pot,there should be a 2" gap between the net pots bottom & the water line,bubbles from airstones keep the net pot moist,once roots grow you need to adjust water levels so not all root mass is under water.

Sounds to mee like a ph or nutrient problem.

What is the nominal ph ?

What ppm nutrients ?

What if any additives are you using?

What are you usinh to control ph fluctuations ? Acid,lemon juice & vinegar ?

What are the water temps ?

How many airstones & how well do the airstones move the water ?

What type water,tap water,city water,well water,bottled water,ro water ect ?

What is the starting ppm of the water,before nutes ?

Lotsa unanswered questions but im sure its an easy fix as dwc is easier than soil,i moved your thread to hydroponics/dwc so it gets the proper help,post some answers & we will get ya helped out.


Well-Known Member
that video is no beuno, a couple of hd pics would be much better than that video. and also the info that was requested would make it much easier to know what's really going on.