first dwc problems i think


Active Member
whats up everyone?? this is my first post and unfortunatly i think i have a problem.. anyway im doing my first dwc grow on bagseed ( i wanted blueberry but cant find it anywhere :-| )... my plants are 12 days old and about 4 inches tall ... they are on botanicare "power flower" ( hydro guy suggested it ).. they are on a 20/4 lighting sheduale w/ cfl's ( 2 100 watt and 1 60 watt from seed)...i started to notice something that looked like a lil nute burn so i flushed and just wanted to make sure everything will be ok soo ill add pics at the end of the post..and one other question i have.. im a newbe so this may be dumb but a node is where the alternating leave come out of the stem right?? if yes how much spacing is usually between nodes? becuase mine look a lil close together...i will have to put the pics as attachments ( sorry) the code is confusing the hell out of me lol ...



Well-Known Member
yes, that's what nodes are; the closer they are, the better, as it means more bud per foot in flower. they will stretch out in 12/12...

power flower is way wrong for beanlings and first rooted cuttings; i recomend general hydroponics 3 part, and of course, cal mag. it's well worth it. stop using fower ferts now, unless you want all males.

hope that helps.....


Active Member
ok thanks they are just chillen in some water now :spew:.. hope they get better...
ill deff have to get something other than botanicare / either GE or foxfarm ..


Well-Known Member
the answer to that is simple; memorize this list, like a verse from the bible.

general hydroponics 3-part
mollasses (blackstrap is best)
ph up/down
koolbloom if you wanna get down and dirty.