First Ever Grow CFL La Diva Auto


Well to start off hello all and thank the rollitup community for all the help and information i have gotten. Now to the pretty stuff ^.^ This is going to be my first ever grow so i went with La Diva which is a Delicious Seeds brand blueberry x Diavlo (a Auto flower) says should finish in 42 days so ill be able to see my first creation early.
Im using a PC case i made with:
two fans (one blowing in the other out)
3x 26W CFL's 6500k for Veg
3x 26W CFL's 3000k for Flower
PC case dimensions are 15 inch long,7 Inches wide, 11 inches tall ( 38 cm long, 18cm wide and 28 cm tall
Here is where im most worried about this whole grow i only have 11 inches from the floor of my PC case to the CFL bulbs so im expecting once i put in my Pot with my seedling i will haven even less than 11 inches so with anyone with experience will this be possible? Also debating to go with 24/0 or 20/4

Im unsure as to what soil im going to use, something from Home Depot most likely in canada. was going to get Miracle grow but everyone is warning to stay away so im a little unsure as to what to use. Going to mix 30% perlite and maybe 10-20% Sheep or cow Manure.

im using Miracle grows nutriends 12-4-8 for Veg and then some Cactus feed for Flower which is 2-7-7 hopefully there is nothing wrong with these two.

Well i just put one seed aside to try to germinate it and get this show on the road as i dont have space for multiple seedlings ATM.

I do have some questions though about LST training on a Autoflower that only takes 42 days im not sure when i can start it to prevent my girl from growing tall.

So if anyone has any info about my case height problem or when i can start LSTing and fimming my autoflower girl that would be very appreciated. Cheers (sry for any errors its 6:30 AM and im high and tired as shit



Active Member
thts fine but u want the tinfoil dull side out. and i wud get 1 2700k bulb in there to mix the spectrum up.. and do the opposite for flower..nice DIY..gunna have space issues no matter how u train it..if i was u id try a mini SCROG in there.


Scrog wont work with Auto? im new to auto's so all the info ive been reading from threads arent 100% relative so any help is greatly appreciated. so you think i should do 2 6500 and 1 2700? Also Some +rep for the help ^^


Hey Dutch master what did u mean exactly by Dull side out? like i should make it so i can see the Dull Side or so i see the shiny side when i look into my grow box
Put the shiny side to were you do not see it the shiny side will reflect more heat. And yes mix bulbs 2 6500 abd1 2700 for veg and 2 2700 and 1 6500 for your flower


Active Member
ya man what he said. not only heat but possible hot spot if u leave water on leaves and shit but autos wont be good for a scrog because u cant really veg them long enough to create a large enough canopy (i dont think). because u dont really wanna mess with the plant when its in flower.


Active Member
and make sure after ur seedling sprouts bring those lights within 6in of ur plant..those CFLs dont get tht hot u can bring them within 2in if u wanna.


okay sounds good im going to tear up my grow box and make the foil the other way around. Im thinking i might try to SCROG it simply because i was looking at this La diva thread on RIU and some ppl were saying it took them over 60 days for harvest so i might have the time to train them for a bigger yield i guess ill just have to wait and see how they look. I kinda wish i could just fast forward life by a couple weeks sometimes :)


Alright so update time, today my baby girl finally sprouted a root, so i put her into a tiny plastic cup with soil and perlite and tossed her into my grow box. A couple concerns though if you guys could help me out. I put a crappy dollar store Thermometer in the box and im getting 30-32 C im worried its too hot. i have an Exhaust and Intake and i also have an extra pc fan around. it would be a pain but i might be able to add it inside the grow box maybe? Will i have to or will she be fine.

Second concern i bought a PH water test and ive used it on 2 day old tap water and got a reading of about 7.3 and then i went and tested a water bottle and got 7.2 so is this really bad or could this PH test just be off (prolly not likely). On that note i hear the most common problem with new growers is over and under watering. a guide or timeline when to water would be great.

As always thank you guys so much for you help stay high


Well Update time. She's finally sprouted, the scary thing though was i thought i killed her about 8 hours before these pics because i stacked some DvD boxes under her to get her real close to the light well they were shiny and reflect and long story short the temp was about 40 C and the soil had completly dried out. well at least she's alive, So im gonna try to install another fan into the box and get her close to the light again so she doesnt stretch. Stay high guys



Well blades and blaidettes sorry ive been MIA for a couple weeks a whole lots of RL stuff been happening. sadly my rottweiler just died very sadly been really hard on my family for a bit. Anywho to where you guys care.

Anywho the original girl code named Diva Plavalaguna or Diva P (The blue Alien in the fifth Element). Anyway so Diva P had become way too root bound inside my grow box so ive swapped outdoors for the end journey for her. Transplanted her a second time into a much bigger container but her height has not changed the past week that she has been outdoors. Diva P is approx only 5 1/4 inches tall from soil to top and has her pistils showing they appear to be slightly milky a bit. Her nodes are pretty compact since she is so small and has 6 of them. I decided against LSTing her to avoid any extra stress with her being root bound and then being brought outside while she was flowering. I havent been feeding her too much and am just experimenting with different feeding schedules and amounts. According to my bookkeeping she is a little over 6 weeks old. so she should be ready in about 2 weeks tops according to delicious seeds. so im going to give her one maybe 2 feedings of Flower nutes 2-7-7 and then flush for a couple days before i harvest if her trichs are yellow/redish.

Now for the surprise i also started to germinate another seed on about the 18th of May making this girl Code named Lelu a little over 4 weeks old. She just started to visibly show sex a couple days ago and wasnt as root bound as Diva P before she was moved outside. Lelu is now 7 1/4 inch tall and has 5 nodes, although she looks a little stretched. Im going to LST her either tomorrow or the day after since i think she's big enough. She has grow almost double in hieght since i had planted her outdoors so im hoping that she will continue to grow and give me lots of goodies.

Also today i started to germinate two more seeds that im going to be alot more precise and tentative to so, i can see the difference it makes between being root bound without LST, being a little root bound with LST, and two beauts being pampered the whole way through.

Tomorrow i promise ill get some pics up to show you guys and gals how its doing.


Time for the pictures i promised. I ended up switching Diva P to some flowering nutes 2-7-7 but gave her extra to see if she would get some nute burn, speaking of which how long does it take for them to show if you are giving them to much nutes. Lelu also got a full dose of vegging nutes. I Fed them only 2 days ago too.

OH Questions about LST , on the older and shorter girl is it too late to maybe lst a bit to give the other bud sites more light? prolly gonna finish within 2 weeks

and should i LST the taller younger one now aswell? she prolly has about 3 weeks to go Thanks guys.



damn really? have either of you guys had any experience with Auto's cuz ive put two seeds to germinate so i wanted to know about when i should LST them? i really want practise LSTing so that i can move onto different strains.

Also how much do you think each of those two girls will give me yield wise?


Well-Known Member
I'm growing a La Diva that is about 60 days from seed now. She is only about 20" tall, and I started to flush her about 4 days ago. I really had some issues with nute def. on this girl. She pretty much stayed with half yellow leaves all during flowering. The leaves were always falling off too. She has a nice sweet smell to her of berries. It isn't very strong though. I would consider it to be a low odor strain. This is my first autoflowering strain that I have ever grown before, and I like the speed in which you can go from seed to buds in. Although I do believe that there is a trade off in the quality for the speed. In the end I am all about the quality, but if you are in need of some quick smoke then this is definitely a quick way to produce about a zip.


my leaves were pretty good. in fact only thing is a very slight red/brown color at the tips of some leaves. and you had yours for a very long time i dont think mine will see much past 50 days but ill see. Give me a smoke test as soon as u can alright man :)