First good looking plant in a while. Increase yeild? (Advice & Help Please)


Well this is my first year taking my indoor plant outdoors to grow and it turns out it loved the spot and grew very nice for me. Alright so heres the wierd part, I grew this plant indoors for about 3 months and as it was just start to flower and bud i took it outdoors and shocked it back into vegetation and now its been growing all summer. So after about 6 months of growing now. Here is what it looks like:



So basically I was kind of wondering what I should do, any nutrients solutions to help bud or flower? (I haven't been using miracle grow or anything I just topped it too form two branches and tied thems down to make more top colas.) If theres anything else I can do to increase yield let me know. I figure I'm going to get an oz - oz and a half right now; but who knows could be 2-3 oz's.

I was also wondering how much longer do you think until its going to start budding, making like bud pockets,etc. I live in Canada so think of the weather up here.

Thanks for any quick responses I get

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
looks really good, i would start a light feeding and see how it handles it. you could also tie a few more of the tops and really open it up. and i think you will get way more that 2-3 oz. when that things done flowering your gonna be very happy.

it looks like you know what your doing (more than most ppl) , keep up the good work.


Really you think Ill get more than 2-3oz's!? I'd be so happy, I know what you mean about tieing the other branches down, I was just outside looking at it and was thinking.. that the one big branch coming out of the main top stem could be tied down in a few days and Id have a whole new top branch, and theres quite a few branches coming along that could be tied down soon too. Tieing them down and cutting the tops is basically the only way i know how to get a bushy plant right now, but its been working.

I also have another plant going right now thats a female for sure it has the pistons and i have one that hasnt quite told me what it is yet no signs of sacks though so hopefully we have another female to add to the family :) I had another 2 that I just cut today that were about 2ft tall but turned male; the one that i had to cut had 3 branches every set instead of 2. It was amazing; a truely sad sight to see it just sitting on the ground chopped.

I've topped the one that's a female for sure and now its got the two tops coming out that will be tied down as well (4 days after chopping they're out and visible as branches); Ill post pictures of that one soon once it has a little more bushyness to it (I know thats not a word). Hopefully you guys can give me points on that one too to help me finish it off good before it goes into flowering


I need to know what type of fertilizer I should by and what brand? Im going to be going to Home Depot and all the other places that have gardening supplies and I was wondering what the best overall brand is that isnt to expensive (under 30$). I was think of going with the all purpose 20-20-20 for my big bushy plant, and the 20-20-20 would do wonders on the plant that just had the branches coming out and arent ready to be tied down yet. It would probably speed it up alot.

But if you guys know a better solution, mix, whatever let me know. I need to know by tomorrow! Well today!

Details on the second plant that is going to be getting the ferts too, it is 1.5-2ft tall, has about 6-8 sets on it and its topped where the two nutes come out so it will make 2 branches; what im using the ferts for is to help the branches come out as fast as possible before flowering begins. Its already a tall stalky bush I know it can become a qp-hp yielder.



Got a old camera and took more pics this morning with a flash, you can kind of get a better view. Let me know what numbers i should use for nutes/ferts. Im basically just going with miracle grow or w/e else brand that will for sure be in stock because I have no idea where to get peters products.

The Average Grower


Active Member
I dont think homedepot sells any good fertilizers , lol
they usally sell the cheap shit ,sometimes they got alaskan fish emulsion with is good.

I would reccomend going to a garden center and talking to to the boss , ask for something that will produce bigger and more robust flowers on your sunflowers :)

20-20-20 sounds good tho.

good luck.


For real, Ill transplant it into a 2gal this week before i put the ferts in the soil. I just transplanted plant number 2 a week ago and thats when i topped it.

So I want, bigger, robust flowers? Im going to like our citys garden center so im sure they'll have something. I might even be able to get some advanced nutes or peters!


Im looking at buying either Advanced Nutreints ferilizers, Dyna-Grow or FoxFarms; I need to know which of these brands and which fert would help the best? I heard 5-15-15 works good, but I also hear alot of people using 20-20-20 for most of their grow time


Im just going to ask the gardening center what is the best product to produce big robust flowers on my sun flower plant. Or just get some 20-20-20 and thatll help alot.

Btw, I needed some help in my thread. Thats why i put that statement in my sig, so people are like. reallly... and click it, then get fooled into helping me.


Well-Known Member
Im just going to ask the gardening center what is the best product to produce big robust flowers on my sun flower plant. Or just get some 20-20-20 and thatll help alot.

Btw, I needed some help in my thread. Thats why i put that statement in my sig, so people are like. reallly... and click it, then get fooled into helping me.
That's kinda fucked up dog. Coulda just been like every other decent human and started a thread in the newb section or something..... Hopefully that's not how you go through life, lieing to get your way and what you want out of other people.....

I'm out.


What are you, 5 years old. Damn kid grow up. It was a joke, its a normal thing on the internet, and by the way my plant is going to be amazing once its done so this is the dopest grow you'll ever see.

So I went out and bout ferts today, along with some monster bud blooming formula! The guy told me im going to be running circles around my plant because it will be so big and juicy!

Heres what I got:
Dutch Nutrients Formula Gro Series (2bottles) and the Blood Series (also 2 bottles)
Then I bud the original formula of Monster Bud which is now called Massive Bloom Stimulator


Uploaded with

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
nice man, looks like youve got some top of the line ferts there.

im sure youve heard this before but make sure you dont go and overfeed them. get a schedual going and make sure the plants can handle it.


Thanks man, I know its very common for first time growers to do that. The guy at the hydroponics store was telling me this stuff is perfect for growers because its so easy to use, you mix up a bottle for you plants (he gave me the solution on how much to mix its like 2 1/2 mls) then when im watering, use the food, next time use just straight water, next use food, then use straight water, and so on in that order. and then when i go into blooming I mix it up 3 ways, use the bloom first, second use water then use grow, then use water, then bloom, or something like that. I'm sure ill figure it out, It's going to be a fun game to figure out how much my plants want.

I also just transplanted my 2 of plants that were in the smaller pots, into 2 gal pots, I think i have another female on my hands cant quite see but it looks like a little piston coming out :). So all 3 of my plants that I have left are female! So I've got 3 different ladies to experiment with :) The roots were starting to make a circle around the bottom, just once or twice though, no serious tangling :) Im lucky I transplanted now instead of later; thanks for the advice guys!

Ill post pictures of them in new pots, and start making 3-4 day updates on how all the ladies are doing with the ferts.

I think we might have some good results thanks to you guys! REP + For you!


Well-Known Member
What are you, 5 years old.

and by the way my plant is going to be amazing once its done so this is the dopest grow you'll ever see.
Yea because I'm the one going around posting false information in my sig to try and get as many people as I can to come visit my thread because I don't know how to grow.....

lol, alright.......... I'll tag along only for the purpose of you 'trying' to prove to me this is going to be the dopest grow anybody has ever seen. lol, I'm not saying it won't be a pretty plant, because it is! But it's going to be FAR FROM the dopest grow I've ever seen. lol, that just proves to me that you haven't looked at much on RUI at all! That's one of the funniest statements I've heard in a long time. Especially from a newer grower. I'd love to see myself proven wrong tho..... lol, I just don't think it's gonna happen.

Your thread title: "First good looking plant in a while, increase yield? (Advice & Help please)"
Your SIG: "Best grow you'll ever see as an ametures first grow"

^^^^^ Yet I'M the 5 year old here. ^^^^^

lol, peace out, and good luck growin
-The 5 year old grower ;-)


Okay for one kid, this is my first time doing an outdoor grow with my plants. Reason being is because this my first year in a house and i wanted to do some outdoors for once.

Little tid bit of information: I've been doing indoor with full equipment set up closet grows for 5-6 years experimenting with white widow, BC Big bud, AK-47 and Kush, just never had a chance to do any outdoors or use a bunch of top of the line ferts because my plants were already great quality, plus i was limited on space before but now I have my whole yard so I want to make them nice bushy plants. So the reason i posted it like that was because this is my first outdoor grow so I want some of the outdoor expertist's here to help me out with advice as i go along and just follow my first time outdoors. So please quit being a smart ass, for the love of the children.

I'm sure anyone that clicks this wont be like "what the hell is this", "this isnt 100 outdoor plants of pure dope", "this is a normal grow." "im going to murder the person that tricked me." Well of course there is you that dislikes me for it but oh well. My logic will woop your smart ass any day, but thank you for following hope you enjoy it.

Im just doin me and you can never understand it.


Little Update with Pictures:

Alright so I've transplant my two other plants into some decent pots, should be good for now till they finish. Might have to do it once more for the one plant.
These are basically going to be the pictures of them before they get hit with fertilizer so we can see a before and after picture :)
All of the plants will be getting the same mixture of ferts tomorrow and so on for another week or two so we will hopefully have some nice results before budding!

P.S. The plants are sleeping in these pictures thats why the leafs are a bit down ;p they are perfectly healthy :)

Respect the Hustle


Thanks man :)

I added ferts today for the first time and HOLY HELL within 5 hours of sleep I went out and looked at my month old plant to see if the ferts made any immediate noticable growth and sure enough my chutes are already out half an inch more than they were before it was night, and thats only 4 hours into the night, i wonder what else will occur over night ;o

Ill add pictures in 4-5 days after 2 more feedings so you see a full change in the plants, cant wait for the update myself. I wish they were budding right now, I want to try out this monster bud formula on my plants!