First grow 10 days old


Active Member
Finally got some space to grow, heres my baby

its Renae #1 started as seeds, they are growing like crazy heres the biggest one at 10 days.



Well-Known Member
would you say its growing like a weed lol i felt the same way when i first started it was like holy shit that was fast as hell my plant went from seed to 18in in one month


Active Member
Yeah thats my biggest worry right now, males and hermies. I only have 4 plants right now but Im waiting on clones, I just planted these while I was waiting for the clones just to see if they would grow, and they turned out quite good so far with just some basic GH maxigrow veg.


Active Member
Well Im glad to see ThatGuy is baked. Like the original post says they were planted as seeds. I planted them while I am waiting for clones from my friend. Im not cloning these any time soon. lol


Well-Known Member
oops my bad lol you should have at least one fem from your seeds when are you gettin your clones from your buddy


Active Member
Yeah Im hoping for at least one female, Im gonna get some clones soon, next time Im in Vancouver. Probalbly some purple kush, but I think he might have some green crack now too.


Active Member
Some good BC soil mixed with peat moss and perlite. Right now just using florecent lights, gonna be finishing veg and flowering under 1000w hps.

Right now Im just waiting to have some definite females so I can start cloning and getting the numbers up for a good sized first crop, then the second should be easy.


Well-Known Member
1000w is a lot of light and heat for only 4 plants maybe you should think about 600w i grew in an ebb and flow system with cfls and had good results so far


Well-Known Member
fine don't respond but umm just to let ya know first you said you were waitin to get clones from a friend then you said well your waiting to clone your own not to spread bad karma but right now i have a lot of good going for me so your an idiot go jump into a lake make and umm good luck your punk ass attitude will get you nowhere here


Active Member
There was so offence intended. I said read my last post. Im getting tired of answering questions I just answered. I planted the seeds as shown in the first post. I am waiting to get clones so I know they are all female, once I know they are female I will grow them and clone them so I have more plants. What is so difficult to understand?

I dont know where you got 4 plants under 1000w thats why I said read my last post again.

I gave no attitude, so dont get pissed off and complain, just take your time and Read before asking questions I just answered.

As far as bad karma, Im not entirely sure you understand the concept.


Well-Known Member
I don't usually say mean things to people so that would be a present experience that i am not expecting any good karma-phala to come my way from what i have said and i already have much good karma-phala coming in form things that i do and have done and will do in my life all of that out of the way you can flower a clone before it matures so you can tell if you have a male or a female plant before you bother flowering a male YouTube - I Grow Chronic part-7....By JeremioDeuce
that is the link for you tube there is a green man that shows you how to clone and then explains the flowering clones deal