First grow, 2 NL Auto (Sensi Seeds) - 2x55w pl-l tube (for now)


Active Member
Hi there!

First grow for me, but I am very enthusiastic. I love plants, I love nature, and love people!
My grow space is ~19"x23"x53"(h), coated with mylar foil and inside my room. The ambient temperature !inside! is kept around 25-27°C, which equals to 77-80F. (It's a wardrobe)

This is one of the 2 Auto Northern Lights that I planted on the 5th of January in a 10L/2.6gal Air-Pot into Plagron's Light-Mix.
It is exactly 7 cm high, and is lighted by 2x55w fluorescent light tubes, which give off approximately 9000 lumens at a colour temperature of 6500k.

As you can see, the leafs of my little plant may have shown some kind of bleaching, which may be contributed to lights too intense at close range, AND radiated heat from off the light tube.
I seriously doubt any defficiency could occour at the age of 9 day, even if my potting mix is light in nutrients. -please also contribute to my thread with your thoughts relating this issue!

My second little seedling is 4cm in height, and has not shown this kind of symptom, which can be contributed to lights being farther away, as it's in a smaller container, which is also not air-pot. (1.8gal/6.7l pot)
It contains a mix of Plagron's Light-Mix and something that would be called a general purpose mix.

As of now, I have been watering once a day with demineralized water (distilled?), and have given them approx. 0.2 ml of (Biobizz) Root Juice, which I plan to repeat several times with increased doses. (Only as little, because the amount of water is also just ~1.5dl)
If I forgot to add anything, let me know.

Have a good day, and feel free to post anything.

Edit: ¤I had my lights on 24/0 until day 8 from sprouting.



Active Member
Thank you RollingD! Although I believe luck is more of a measurement of how one is connected to and may be benefiting from universal powers, which can all be written down in mathematical language.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure why mypost got cut short but it may be heat stress. Raise the lights some. Hows your humidity? Is it above 40?


Well-Known Member
My best suggestion is get add cups of water,mist the walls if possible,and put rolled up towels in the grow area. The higher the humidity the more easier it'll be for them to grow. But 45 is pretty alright.


Active Member

I've already put water next to them in a pot saucer (?) a few times when the humidity was low (20%)



Active Member
Good day to ya!

I had them drink another 1ml/l solution of BB Root Juice in 2dl water. (overall for both)
¤Planted germinated seeds into soil on the 5th of January
¤Sprouted in 2 days, on the 7th of Jan
¤As of now they are both 8 days old

- this is the smaller one, although they've been planted at the same time.


(it's just something being reflected that isn't actually a nipple.):finger: jks :lol:



Well-Known Member
I was reading your post and you said that fluorescent only operate under certain conditions, could you possibly post that or send me a link to that info. I'm intrigued by it.
And so far so good man just try and keep the humidity up like I said and she'll be okay.


Active Member
Yeah sure man, here it is: link! -there's a ton more like this if you search.
I have also made a thread about it. I am curious as to why this haven't been mentioned... It is VERY important, seeing as if you use amalgam technology(?) based fluos, you can easily cool them to under-ambient temperature without much loss of light output.
At least that's what I'do, but my tubes would turn really pale...


Active Member

Day 10
Both are the same 'age', with the left one being kept farther from the lights, and also in a somewhat different potting mix. (both soilless, I think?)

I also think I'll switch to 20/4.


Active Member
Day 8 Day 10 Day 13

I also think I might know the cause of the poor look on the latter...

Been watering daily, and added 2 23w 2700k cfls. (Yep, 3rd pic)

Also, I can't open the smiley panel? It just isn't loading (smiley -> 'more')... God this site has many flaws, fortunately lack of kind and helpful people isn't one of them.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't water them daily. every 4-6 days should be good since they're still starting out unless the medium is really dry. How many CFLs do you have so far? try the 26w if you can or higher. I think the watering daily is contributing to the droopiness of your plants. Besides that they look good.

BTW autos don't truly finish until 9-11 weeks unless their super autos then they may lean over the 11 week mark. Just thought I share this with you because I was under the impression that 6 weeks was all that was needed but noooooo -____-


Active Member
Yeah I heard about them needing about 3 month to fully develop.
I water daily because there's a fan that's also blowing at the soil slightly, and it's a bit warm, so it get's pretty dry after 1-1.5 day. And also this light mix IS light and I'm liking it!

I have 2 of these 55w fluorescent tubes with approx. 4450lumen each, and both 6500k along with the added 2x23w 2700k.

I figured they would be quite the lights for vegging considering their light and efficiency. For flowering I plan to buy a smaller HPS, just for the 2 plants.

Thank you for your suggestion on holding off on water.
I just feel so good when caring for plants, maybe in my unconscious I give them less water so they see me more :D

PS: the germination of the 'dirty' looking plant may have had some temp issues (65-100F:dunce:)


Active Member

It's Day 15 for my plants.

Yesterday I added some Biobizz Fish-Mix + some general purpose containing micro, and sprayed with Alga, which I had seen the benefits on Chile peppers.

Currently I have
2x55w fluorescent tubes,= 9000 lumen 6500k
2x23w = 3000l 2700k
and 2x23w = 3000l 4000k

Tell me, do I have some nice salad growing? :weed:zoom15.jpgd15.jpg15.jpg


Active Member
And see the attachments now?

I can't believe how fucked up this site is. But I bet these annoyances get fixed in a couple years :evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:


Well-Known Member
And see the attachments now?

I can't believe how fucked up this site is. But I bet these annoyances get fixed in a couple years :evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:
I see them now. yeah, this site is extremely buggy. I've bitched about it but the mod's tell me to "loug out" lol. Either way that plant looks to be getting minor nute burns from the tips of the leafs and the green is very dark. Almost with nitrogen toxicity


Active Member
I've also had my concerns with the leaf tips, but it has not developed any further for several days; and the leaves are really not that deep green - the picture has been taken in a darker environment than the previous posts' had.

Thanks for your comment!