FIRST GROW!! 250 watt ww x bb


ok.. lets start out with the box. The dimensions are about 2 x 2 x 4. i have an air-cooled hood with a stanley blower for the exhaust. for the intake i have a six inch inline fan. For general circulation i have one honeywell, one 6 dollar wallmart personal fan, and a computer fan blowing on the ladies. I have one 250 w metal-halide ballast, and one 250 watt mh bulb. This will be running for the veg cycle.

The strain i selected is ww x bb (White Widow x Big Bud) from the attitude. They are currently one week old, and are really healthy. to be honest i am not really happy with this choice, but it is the only strain that i have (my c99 and ak 48 did not germ :-( )

Current conditions
Lights on- Temp 70-73 Humidity 40-50
Lights off- Temp 66-68 Humidity :!:55-66:!:

Plan for the future: i plan on getting ffof and the FF trio. i am also gonna get the 2100kelvin bulb that runs on the MH ballast for flowering. Since my temps are so low i also plan on having a lot of additional cfls. the extra lights would also help with the humidity problem. A scrog is a possible option, but i might just stick to lst so i don't overcomplicate things.

The ladies are exactly 1 week old. The humidity is so high because the light cycle had just started.



Fixed the temp and humidity problem. All I did was buy a 18 dollar wallmart heater. Now with the lights off the temp runs at 73 and the humidity is under 45. I plan on putting the heater on a timer so that when the lights are on the heater is off. If I were to do this it would allow more lights, and ultimately more buds.

Nordic division

Active Member
The material what covers your hideout walls is this silverpaper or tin foil if it is i think thats not a good idea to use this because its heating your place up and its not the best light reflecting material.If you get mylar from somewhere try this if not try putting white paint or paper whatever you get.I actually like your grow room its very potential and hidden :D but for first grow i think its very nice.Keep growing and posting!:eyesmoke:


The material what covers your hideout walls is this silverpaper or tin foil if it is i think thats not a good idea to use this because its heating your place up and its not the best light reflecting material.If you get mylar from somewhere try this if not try putting white paint or paper whatever you get.I actually like your grow room its very potential and hidden :D but for first grow i think its very nice.Keep growing and posting!:eyesmoke:
It is actually the reflective blanket found at wall-mart. I think I might go to flat white paint if heat becomes a problem, but for now I am sticking with it.


Lost the power last night, so I had to put the ladies on the windowsill. The power is back on (Obviously) and the ladies are back in their box.



Hey, just got finished with a wwxbb and it was honestly one of my better plants. Now, I dk how stable the genes are, but I am 100% organic in soil and it gave me above average results. It wasn't overly tall or leafy, but had good sized buds with a decent space between them. Vegged for 45 days with no less than 20 hours light and it took about 8-9 weeks to get 70% cloudy trichs. Decided to chop a little earlier than usual and got a great result. Drying now, the crystals are 10% clear, 80% cloudy, 10% amber. About 110g wet weight. More potent than we usually get from Colorado or Cali. This is without nutes under cfl's in veg and a 400w HPS in flower. Hope you end up liking the strain.


Hey, just got finished with a wwxbb and it was honestly one of my better plants. Now, I dk how stable the genes are, but I am 100% organic in soil and it gave me above average results. It wasn't overly tall or leafy, but had good sized buds with a decent space between them. Vegged for 45 days with no less than 20 hours light and it took about 8-9 weeks to get 70% cloudy trichs. Decided to chop a little earlier than usual and got a great result. Drying now, the crystals are 10% clear, 80% cloudy, 10% amber. About 110g wet weight. More potent than we usually get from Colorado or Cali. This is without nutes under cfl's in veg and a 400w HPS in flower. Hope you end up liking the strain.
Thats good to hear. When I originally purchased the strain I was thinking "Potency of WW, and Yield of BB", but now i see the inverse as a possibility, lol. Hopefully the genetics are stable and it turns out as advertised on the attitude.


Active Member
i thought it was foil too and its not a good idea as nordic says not only will you have heat problems but it will reflect the light like a laser on to the plants but nice room looks good


The ladies are at 2 weeks and are extremely healthy. I think I am going to pick up the fox farm trio, and Fox Farm Ocean forest in the near future. Ok here is my question: Should I start to LST?

Pics from yesterday



hey Im newish to the site and am looking into a hps/mh 250 watt light would you recomend it so far?
YES. I would recommend the 250 MH only under certain conditions. It is a great for veg from what I have seen, but that is its only advantage. If you are looking into HPS, GO WITH THE HPS. The only reason I have a 250 MH system is because I got it for free. If I was Purchasing a system I would go with a Digital 400 watt hps (for my space and only with a cooled hood, and with a 400 MH for veg). If you are running ANY HID's I would STRONGLY suggest a cooled hood. A hid in a cooled hood puts off less heat than cfls. I could put the plants 2 inches away from the glass, but the because of spread of the reflector i have it at like 8''. Anyways only get the 250 watt mh if it is free. Get an electronic switchable HPS system if you are purchasing (it is worth the cash).


I would wait until you transplant to are going to transplant to a larger pot, right?

The only reason i am not surprised with this comment is because this is a sight devoted to pot-heads. you must have been REALLY REALLY high when you posted this comment. lol


I wrote a long entry earlier, and replied to 420j's at the end just before entering it, lost the whole fucking thing. If you have questions, ask.
