First Grow 400w Waterfarm SCROG w/ Sannies Seeds


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Hello RIU,

This will be my attempt at a first time (serious) grow. This grow is another of the many grows inspired by the methods of SCOTTYBALLS. I have grown small plants before with terrible equipment and none of them ever produced any results. This time I will be using much better equipment and I am expecting much better results. I am in college so I'm on a very tight budget and this grow will be taking place in my 10x10 walk in closet.

The Set Up::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

Grow Tent:
Mylar Lined 32" x 32" x 63"

Light: 400w digital dimmable MH (Veg) + HPS (Flower)

Growing Medium: Waterfarm complete.

Nutes: Genreal Hydroponics Flora kit. (Not sure if I'll use all 3 parts or just micro and bloom like the Lucas method suggests)

Training: I will be using the SCROG method.

Ventillation: 1 Stanley blower, 1 small clip fan (cooling the lamp), Blizzard 8" oscilating fan at the base of the tent.

Seeds: I ordered the Feminized Mix pack from Sanniesshop (I've heard nothing but great things about Sannie). This includes 2x Sugar Punch, 2x Killing Fields, 2x Shackzilla, and also 2 freebies I believe. (Not sure which to grow first. Either 1 of the freebies or Sugar Punch)

Temperature: at about 12" from the light my temps are reading at 75 degrees F. At the top of the waterfarm it reads just over 70 degrees.

I am still waiting for my seeds to arrive going on 8 business days since confirmation of shipment. C'mon Sannie!! any day now...



Active Member
So now that I'm all set up I have some questions that hopefully some of you can answer.

1. Do I need to run the exhaust fan when the lights are off or what?

2. After reading about the Lucas method I saw that it can be done with just the micro and bloom nutes from the Flora kit. Should I only use micro and bloom nutes or should I use all 3 the veg, flower, and micro and just follow the directions on the labeling? What do you think would be best? I dont have the funds to buy Floranova bloom yet to use as a all in one fert.

3. Should I move my lamp lower for veg or will it be fine at the height it is at now? It is as high up as it will go.


they need constant circulation of air to reach full potential...circulation during lights off is just as important as lights on imo.ive had three successful grows using the feeding instructions thqat came with the waterfarm dilluted to 75% or so(economics). havent tried floranova yet been happy with results that come from the three sample to throw in a lil superthrive here n there and i use advanced nutes final phase to flush(makes huge difference).I use 600w hps. I like to start clones about 3 to 4 feet away from light n move down to about 2 feet away after they devolope their 4th tier.i keep it that distance thru veg then move it back to 3 feet for bud.


Active Member
they need constant circulation of air to reach full potential...circulation during lights off is just as important as lights on imo.ive had three successful grows using the feeding instructions thqat came with the waterfarm dilluted to 75% or so(economics). havent tried floranova yet been happy with results that come from the three sample to throw in a lil superthrive here n there and i use advanced nutes final phase to flush(makes huge difference).I use 600w hps. I like to start clones about 3 to 4 feet away from light n move down to about 2 feet away after they devolope their 4th tier.i keep it that distance thru veg then move it back to 3 feet for bud.
Thanks for the reply. I will keep the fans running full time. Can you explain your dillution method more I don't fully understand.. I'm a complete newb to hydro


Active Member
Just found a great thread on the Lucas method for the gh flora kit. Seems simple enough.


Active Member
Subbed! Love WF grows, doing one myself just now. About the nutes; I'm only using NovaBloom (The complete formula not the 1 of 3 parts system) from start to finish, with maybe a hint of Micro in the early stages to help with the veg growth. Check out SCOTTYBALLS grow with the WF. He only used Nova Bloom from start to finish and it turned out tremendous for him. The quality of the bud was not affected. As he always says; "Less is always better than more". Myself I rather just use as little as possible (enough to give her what she wants) and just let her do her thing. Along with a good SCROG, that's pretty much all you'll need to get a very decent yield and quality bud.


Active Member

Thanks for the Sub! I have read the SCOTTYBALLS journal all the way through as well as Dayzt Tangerine Dream grow journal. Both of these were very informative and set up the basis for my grow. Because I'm strapped for cash I don't wanna spend anymore money for this particular grow and will just stick with the florakit that came with the waterfarm. For my next grow I'll upgrade to the Floranova bloom only when I have more funds.


Thanks for the reply, I'll start low and work my way up slowly. I read somewhere that some of sannies strains do better with lower concentrations of nutes. Not sure if this is valid or not... I'll probably just pay attention to the plant as it should tell me what it wants.


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Well I guess I'll do an update, but there is no good news to report.. So.. it's been 16 days now since I received the shipment confirmation email from Sannie and still no seeds. Shipping time is listed as 5-15 days. I'm going to email him tomorrow and see if I can get them resent.


Active Member
Waiting can drive you crazy man. I just tried to forget about them for a couple of days and sure enough on the third they were there. Took 2 weeks and a day to get here (15 days) from when they shipped them (17 form when I actually made the order). Have patience my friend, they'll get there soon enough. :)


Active Member

What seedbank did you order from? Sannie uses TNT mail and I'm not sure if they work on Saturdays or not, but I have been including them in my count. Still need to check the mail for today we will see...


Active Member

What seedbank did you order from? Sannie uses TNT mail and I'm not sure if they work on Saturdays or not, but I have been including them in my count. Still need to check the mail for today we will see...
I used Attitude with discrete shipping. Very stealthy packaging arrived with no problems or cracked seeds with a couple of freebies a grinder and a t-shirt. Used my CC to a rented mailbox. No problems at all man. You do count Saturday if the mail is priority mail if not then no. Let us know when you get them, best of luck my friend.


Active Member
Nice I originally wanted to go with attitude, but the price for pick and mix seeds was pretty high. After hearing such good things from sannies shop I just decided on the fem mix of sugar punch, shackzilla, and killing fields. I think I should be getting 2 fem freebies that are hopefully going to be more indica and quicker flowering. total was around 65$ for 8 feminized seeds. I'm sending off an email today to see if I can get them resent. Will update as things change.


Active Member
Nice I originally wanted to go with attitude, but the price for pick and mix seeds was pretty high. After hearing such good things from sannies shop I just decided on the fem mix of sugar punch, shackzilla, and killing fields. I think I should be getting 2 fem freebies that are hopefully going to be more indica and quicker flowering. total was around 65$ for 8 feminized seeds. I'm sending off an email today to see if I can get them resent. Will update as things change.
Hope you get them friend. Yeah Attitudes pick and mix is a bit pricey I'll admit that, I just went with the 5 pack of Kalashnikova and Big Buddha Haze, plus the freebies of course. I've also heard lot of great things about Sannies, I'm sure they'll send you the order again if there was any trouble. Them and the tude is what I see most people getting their seeds from. Keep us updated man, you'll find it was definitely worth it when you see them take off in the Waterfarm, truly does NOT compare to any soil grow I've ever seen or done. My Kalashnoikova is on day 24 today but had a little mishap this weekend, my 6 inch fan fell on top of my girl and mutilated one of her branches, but like a warrior she's been bouncing back today and growth is even faster and drinking more water xD, truly a weed in the best sense of the word.


Well-Known Member
Don't despair with the waiting. Took my seeds about three weeks to come as well, and that was from within the EU. Fuck around with some bagseed till they come ;)


Active Member
Don't despair with the waiting. Took my seeds about three weeks to come as well, and that was from within the EU. Fuck around with some bagseed till they come ;)
Wow I'm surprised at how long it took to get them. I did mess with some bag seed this past summer and ended with one male. I only had 2 seeds and the first one died from getting too hot. Searched for seeds through friends, but turned up with none so I just gotta wait.. Here is a pick of the plant that turned out male. It was grown under CFL lights in soil.


Hope you get them friend. Yeah Attitudes pick and mix is a bit pricey I'll admit that, I just went with the 5 pack of Kalashnikova and Big Buddha Haze, plus the freebies of course. I've also heard lot of great things about Sannies, I'm sure they'll send you the order again if there was any trouble. Them and the tude is what I see most people getting their seeds from. Keep us updated man, you'll find it was definitely worth it when you see them take off in the Waterfarm, truly does NOT compare to any soil grow I've ever seen or done. My Kalashnoikova is on day 24 today but had a little mishap this weekend, my 6 inch fan fell on top of my girl and mutilated one of her branches, but like a warrior she's been bouncing back today and growth is even faster and drinking more water xD, truly a weed in the best sense of the word.
I'm really looking forward to the waterfarm. I'm a little nervous of messing up the nutrients some how, but I'm going to try and use the Lucas Formula with the GH flora kit and go slow on the nutes. I'm sorry to hear about the issue with the fan. As long as it's still growing well I'm sure you'll be fine. Do you think you will veg longer because of the damage?


Active Member

Sorry to hear about your plant and the fan. Sounds like she will be fine though. I'm a little nervous of doing hydro for my first grow, I keep thinking that I will mess the ph or nutes up somehow. My tap water PH is at about 7 and the PPM is around 100. What do you think about this water?


Wow that's a long time I've looked around most people have been saying like 8-10 days to US so I assumed anyone in EU would get them much quicker. I wish I had bagseed still to mess with. I only had 2 seeds that I knew of and I germed those this past summer. The first died because it got too hot and dry. The second grew quite nicely, but showed male flowers so I tossed it. Here is a picture from when it was young:



Active Member
Wow I'm having troubles with posting. Didnt see my original reply so I rewrote it. What ever haha


Active Member
I'm really looking forward to the waterfarm. I'm a little nervous of messing up the nutrients some how, but I'm going to try and use the Lucas Formula with the GH flora kit and go slow on the nutes. I'm sorry to hear about the issue with the fan. As long as it's still growing well I'm sure you'll be fine. Do you think you will veg longer because of the damage?


Sorry to hear about your plant and the fan. Sounds like she will be fine though. I'm a little nervous of doing hydro for my first grow, I keep thinking that I will mess the ph or nutes up somehow. My tap water PH is at about 7 and the PPM is around 100. What do you think about this water?

About the nutrients; don't be worried, I was too at first but once you get her dialed in you'll be ok, remember more is less, specially when shes young. There's ALOT of Waterfarm grows in this sub-forum; that's what helped me along as I started my own, SCOTTYBALLS grow being the model for most of them out there, truly amazing results. Hey check out this journal that also did SugarPunch if you end up going with her. About the water , that tap water level is actually good, and the pH is surprisingly low to be tap water. If you can't buy some distilled water or have some sort of RO filtration system, that tap water will do, you could put in jugs or something and let is sit for a day or two, your ppm will go down a bit and you could mix with some pHdown and you'll have some decent water. The lower the ppm's the better because you can control your nutrients better in a sense; for example:

Your last reservoir change was to 400ppm.

case 1: Your tap water
water ppm: 100

case 2: RO or distilled water
water ppm: 5

Let's say several hours pass and you check your water to see the ppm levels. It reads 367ppm. In case 2 you know for sure that 99% of those 367ppm is nutrients so you know exactly how much she has consumed in that time span. In case 1 there is no way of truly knowing how much of those 367ppm is nutrients and what's water minerals left in the reservoir so it makes it a bit harder to have a clear picture of her nutrient uptake.

Any way hope it helps. Keep us posted.

Check this thread out. Helped me out TREMENDOUSLY.