First grow 6 Plant 1000w 4x4 tent


Active Member
Hello Rollitup community, I am now a fully legal mmp, and in light of this I would like to give back to the forum that has given so much to me. I have been a long time member, reader, and follower of this forum but never have I posted anything, until now that is. This was my first real successful grow, I invested in quality equipment that would ensure an ideal environment for my garden. I wanted to get a tent because I favor the idea of a self sustained habitat, it just seemed like it would work best given my options. Although I had all the equipment and the knowledge there were factors beyond my control that contributed to the outcome of this grow (which I was more than pleased with). I had my fair share of mishaps with this grow and will not attempt to sugarcoat shit. I am here to share my experience and maybe provide some insight. It wasn't easy or cheap LOL, but in the end it was worth everything.
So here goes

My setup:


October 22
I had finally got my tent all setup with my pots filled, I started off with happy frog potting soil for my seedlings. I did not germinate before hand. I planted 9 Bagseeds (from various strains all really dank) Into the soil watered with distilled and left the light on a 24 hr cycle. I also used great white mycorrhizae I was told it would work wonders in organics(as well as other applications)

Oct 26-29
Building the tent was in got its power knocked out due to hurricane sandy ( that bitch!) didn't figure thing outs until a few days later when I went to check on them

November 2
Well it was a success all 9 of my beans sprouted so far so good.

November 7
Watered with distilled sprouts still doing there thing

November 11
Growth is looking promising they seem to be green and thriving ITS ALIVE. I'm still at this point just watering with distilled there seems to be some rusty spots forming my guess would be a cal mag deficiency?

November 18
Plants are still exerting rusty like leaves on the lowers all new growth is nice and green still haven't changed anything 24hr light cycle distilled water no nutes yet no calmag nothing. However I did top one of the plants

November 22 Thanksgiving
So I went to check up on my seedlings and see how life was and to my disbelief the power was off in the grow building, I had already experienced electrical malfunctions a few weeks back due to sandy but this was another swift kick in the balls. The temps were around 40's-50's if i remember right. The soil was still damp from the last watering, things were not looking good. On the other hand the plant I topped was showing new growth and looked healthy, the unknown problem with the leaves (rusty) still remains. Haven't checked p.h. feeding with General Organics.

November 26
Things are shitty, I would have to account this to the life cycle being interrupted (electricity) and the low temps. No nutrients added just distilled water looks like they have some sort of nutrient burn? (brown/red/yellowish leaves curling up) Also some discoloration of the leaves, I wonder if a few days without light and low temps would cause this? Unfortunately the grow is very far from me and transport to and from is an issue so I only go when I am able to.

November 27
Came back the next day to check on my garden, things are in critical condition and I want to ensure the electrical isn't fucking up, they seem to be perking up some but not out of the rough quite yet


December 5
The plants were showing signs of stability there was more green growth popping up and things seemed to be going good I had made the decision to transplant, and im glad I did, they were root bound like a muthaaaa fuckaaa i think I had over did it with the great white because these roots were crazy.
Transplanted into 3 gallon nursery pots. Roots organic 707 blend

December 11
Well Good news the plants are showing strong signs of improvement :clap: it's as if they want to grow into something beautiful and make me a proud papa some still have those rusty spots looks like either a deficiency or a burn. Some of these plants are starting to form into little bushes due to topping and F.I.M. try different pruning techniques with different plants at different times. I did't always take pics every time I went to the grow so therefore some things such as pruning, watering in between isn't listed/shown.

December 17
The plants have really taken to the soil, they seem to be enjoying the roots organic , growth is GREEN and robust. Things seem as if they're finally back to a stable condition, I have been watering distilled up until this point with no additives. Now they will get a full strength feeding from the General organic GROW box, mean whille I have continued pruning some plants and training some branches downward (managed to split one of the topped plants main stalk and had to brace it together with some nylon rope) too much playing around i guess :weed:

December 26
Seems like the feeding is doing justice as growth is robust and healthy. New growth is coming in vast and strong. One of the plants look like it has some sort of burn on the tips, maybe it didn't take to well to the nutrients? Overall they're doing a lot better than before, some better than others. problems in the beginning had put progress on pause, due to me not having daily access to the garden.(factors beyond my control) These problems were things that could have been avoided completely/ and or resolved sooner if I were on site daily. I usually check in every 2-5 days, not ideal but it is what it is. Also found what appears to be a male preflower (pollen sack) tsk..tsk..tsk.. well I will give it some more time as its still closed and new in hopes that I am wrong. If not off to the butcher he goes

December 30
So right around this period there was a multitude of BS interfering with my grow and jeopardizing my harvest. I had two choices either give up completely and scrap the garden or start flowering now and hope to accomplish a harvest, without getting caught up in something. I had already invested too much time, money, and emotion to this garden, just throwing away the progress iv'e made was unacceptable. I decided to put the plants on 12/12 and begin flowering. Putting plants just over a foot into flower was not what I had in mind when I put this setup together, I wanted to veg and take my time, do it right. But it is what it is. As far as the plants go, I have been noticing on some plants the lower leaves are yellowing/graying then curling up brown(dead) I have no idea what could be causing this ? Maybe due to previous interruptions in lighting? Or Nutes , Deficiency? I have been removing ones that appear to be 70%or more dead (if that makes sense). And in other news the plant that I saw the preflower on(male) has a full sized pollen sack so off to the gallows he goes. To bad really that was a strong bush with a quite few tops. 8 plants remain, 1 showing female pre flower (white pistil) so some good news I will wait and see what comes next. Still feeding with GO veg lineup maybe 1 or two more so it has enough N. When I started 12/12 I started with the Metal Halide because I didn't have the funds for the hps bulb (fuckedup I know). Other growers had also told me it would ease the transition for flowering, as well as reduce stretch. At the time i was thinking tight dense compact buds, but now on the other had I think the stretch would have been beneficial as they were on the short side to begin with. Too much unfilled room in the tent :/

January 1

Back at it on new years day. Still got the MH running on 12/12 Give it its last feeding of veg nutes (I water in between feedings(distilled)) i clean up the bottom of some plants (dead leaves and such), In the process I spot what appears to be another male, but its one of my best plants so to be sure rather than proactive I wait and see... it's still early

January 8
Okay so 2 or 3 days prior i gave the plants a medium flush it seems to have helped what I believed to be nutrient burn on some of the plants. Since they're all bag seed and different except 3 of them it's kinda of hard to judge what they're going to be like, characteristics of the strain, what it's most susceptible to, tolerance to feedings etc.. They're solid green with slight yellowing of tips, giving the first flowering nutes out the GO box today. Also picked up the HPS bulb, ended up with a ultra sun 1000w, cheapie bulb. Giving the circumstances at the time that's all I could afford, I originally had wanted to try out the digilux 1000w or use eye hortilux. But I ended up with the cheap bulb :/ (the MH was also a cheapie). It is what it is, on another note these plants are turning into nice little bushes. They didn't really stretch, still staying somewhat compact at the nodes (its only been a week though 12/12 +been using MH). Today while I had them out for a feeding I changed the bulb and cleaned the inside of the tent thoroughly, Hopefully this bulb prevails. Also I installed my can filter today. There is no odor still besides that of a vegetative chlorophyll type (even at that it's not really an odor) I just figured to install the filter now while I was in there. Still no signs of sex yet (besides the female that had pistils previously) the plant in question of being a male is looking realll suspect right about now, but I can't take him out just yet I need to dispose safely and properly. Now's not a good time so I will try to hurry back I must KILL this male a.s.a.p.(noteDO REMOVE ANY AND ALL MALES AS SOON AS YOU SPOT THEM!, like I had mentioned before there were circumstances in this grow that were out of my control which is why I couldn't have removed a.s.a.p.)

January 11
Well will ya loookee here? We got us a couple a perverts in the garden, caught em in there tryna deflower my little ladies, looks like we gone have us a good ol' lynching tonight. :twisted: LA MORTE!
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January 15
So with 3 males weeded out im left with 6 females, they have all shown pistils and I have confirmed they're sex. 6 small females was not my idea for this tent but It is what it is. The girls seem to really like the flowering nutes, the hps is showing effective, the girls are deffinitely stretching, nodes alternating, no smell really at this point but flowering is ON!I have been bending branches slightly to allow the light to penetrate to lower branches, nothing crazy. Watering in between feedings. Everything looks really good and healthy altogether.

January 18
Just a few group shots with pistils showing.. looking good

I've been having troubles with the auto save so I will go ahead and post this right here, and continue on later
January 21
All the plants got a nice feeding today, not much going on besides pistils popping up here and there give these girls some nutes and be on my way . Cleaned up the inside of my tent while I had these ladies out. Try to keep it as clean as possible.
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January 25
I can most certainly see progress on these lovely ladies they are shooting thick white pistils and my efforts seem like they're finally taking me somewhere. There is a slight odor inside the tent up close, but with the can filter you can't smell a thing if your on the outside. There is a small amount of trichome development, so far i'm liking what I am seeing this is day 26 of flower View attachment 2862062View attachment 2862063View attachment 2862064View attachment 2862065View attachment 2862066View attachment 2862067View attachment 2862068View attachment 2862069View attachment 2862070View attachment 2862071View attachment 2862072View attachment 2862073View attachment 2862074View attachment 2862075

January 28

I am starting to notice a significant stretch between nodes, bud development seems to be taking off, resin production is increasing as with odor (but still nothing really to write home about) some of these plants have gained some height the tallest at this point being 17-19"(I know not what I had in mind). In other news i saw one of the girl's "clawing" (tips curling underward) Im not sure what the cause would be (from what i read this could be a multitude of factors) also some yellowing on some fan leaves. Other than that they're standing strong. View attachment 2862086View attachment 2862088View attachment 2862090View attachment 2862092View attachment 2862094View attachment 2862098View attachment 2862099View attachment 2862100View attachment 2862102View attachment 2862103View attachment 2862104View attachment 2862105View attachment 2862106View attachment 2862107View attachment 2862108View attachment 2862109View attachment 2862110View attachment 2862111View attachment 2862112View attachment 2862113

February 1
Pistils and trichomes are popping up profusely I can tell there is some magic in the works :D it feels awesome to see these ladies starting to bud up and take shape (especially after almost having the crop die and looking like shit for the better half of it's life cycle), they look lush, nice and green happy ladies. Although they're not perfect I am satisfied. The yellowing seems to be increasing I assume that's the nitrogen being used up. I also am observing some purple on some plants It has been getting a bit chilly in the tent at night average low 50's, so it is unclear to me whether this is a strain dominant characteristic or If it is due to the cold, it's only a few of the girls so I will wait and see. Also the little one is toppling over its own weight I better get something soon to hold it up!View attachment 2862118View attachment 2862119View attachment 2862120View attachment 2862123View attachment 2862127View attachment 2862130View attachment 2862132View attachment 2862133View attachment 2862135View attachment 2862137View attachment 2862138View attachment 2862139View attachment 2862140View attachment 2862141View attachment 2862142View attachment 2862143View attachment 2862144View attachment 2862145View attachment 2862146View attachment 2862147View attachment 2862148View attachment 2862149View attachment 2862150View attachment 2862151View attachment 2862152View attachment 2862153View attachment 2862154

February 3
Its only been 2 days but wow! I can really see a difference. These girls are packing on resin and it's starting to show, the purpling is still continuing on the same plants. Others are not, so something tells me maybe it is genetics? My tallest plant at this point is 21-23". All is well with the crop and I feel good at this point about things like.. like... it might just be allrightttt after all :-D I started to introduce 1.5 tbsp black strap molasses per gallon of water/nutrient mix see how it affects thing. The smell inside the tent is wonderful, not too strong but definitely smelling dank. But with the can filter it's undetectable. I am still playing around with the plants branches and bending downward to expose more out of view vegetation.

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February 10
Nothing new really some of the lower leaves are browning and dieing, still experiencing issues with the curling tips but development and progress don't seem to be slowing down so not super worried at this point
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February 13
The girls look awesome, except for the browning curling leaves i'd say things are going smooth, resin is abundant and easily visible on all 6 plants, some more then others. My tent is getting messy and iv'e been rushing to and from the grow when I get there,(lots of BS still going on) anyways I've been using the molasses and got to say I definitely think the increase in trichomes is a result of using it, also the plants smell sweeter (if that makes sense) I had limited resources available due to a few reasons, but i did manage to stake up most of the plants, as most of these little bushes are toppling over their own weight.I used some homer paint stick to help support them (worked)
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February 15

These girls are getting tall, tallest plant is at 24" ( I know that's small but for what it is) nodes seems to be filling in I Like it a lot. Except for the crispy dieing leaves (whats up with that) My tent is still kinda messy I know I know... moving forward and getting anxious. Also the purple is becoming quite dominant on those plants looks purdy.
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February 18

My little bushes are doing just swell indeed,the short purpley one is looking crazy its getting me all excited the others are really filling out. The eye candy I got here is gratifying. Definitely more of a sugary sweet smell then a danky skunky one, I attribute this to the molasses. My homer sticks are supporting the girls nicely the colas are starting to pack on some weight, which is good as opposed to trying to hold their own weight, (don't want to stress my ladies out any more then they are already.)Progress is good, every time I open the tent my shitgrin grows a little wider. Im not really having any issues with the clawing besides on one plant, but this one has given me the most trouble along the way, seems like a rather sensitive strain, it's the tall purple looking one.
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February 21

FUCK YEAH!!! These are just self explanatory if you've been following.Tallest plant is 25" day 53 flower.
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March 1
At this point the Calyxs are emerging all over the plant development is getting real tight, resin is on a steady incline the smell in there is amazing but not too crazy like you would expect, but I would only give it a day or two without the charcoal filter then maybe it'd be a different story, lol. The short purple one is my favorite it just looks awesome smells like candy has rock hard buds tons of resin I wish I had the opportunity to clone that strain :/ oh well no sense dwelling. I'm feeling everything except for the brown dieing leaves, really looks like shiit. I also find that with higher temps and humidity the smell is stronger, my temps have been fairly low for this grow, where the tent is there is no heat, during the day it's fine with the hps. At night it's a different story temps have been dipping as low as 48! Like i had mentioned forehand I didn't have as much control over the setting my tent was in as I would have liked to long story short limited access. It is what it is
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March 9
A few days prior I Had chopped the smallest of the group, it was having trouble stabilizing itself. She couldn't hold her own weight and the main stalk broke beyond repair and the plant was so meager that i just put it out its misery. Weighed in at around 6 grams dry smoked like strawberry cough, most likely what it was had seeds from SC I had before. Didn't manage to take any pics of that harvest. It wasn't nothing too special but nice none the less, more or a clear uppity high. So 5 beautiful promising ladies remain and they are getting fat! In a good way ;) lol. My little purple bush is thriving just looks sooo dank numnumnum really hard buds, the big topped plant is running out of nitrogen it seems. It has some real fruity sugary smelling bud still pushing white pistils though(hmm?) 71 days into flower feel like things are a bit behind for some. Unless they just have longer flowering periods, I also take into account for the first week of 12/12 I had used a mh and count flowering from 12/12 as opposed to when thier pistils (sex) showed. The tall purple staiva looking one has one of the most unique smells to it its almost like a mustard honey smells seriously dank, I keep looking at the trichs with a 100x-60x pocket scope, gives me an idea where there really at. So far the the taller plants including the sativa purple looking tall plant the topped tall plant with the twin towers and her sister, the slightly shorter one with yellowing /browning leaves all have mostly clear trichs, they're just starting to cloud up some and the others are quite milky. Especially the short purple bush. Harvest is coming soon just waiting on the trichs to do there thing waiting to see some amber then choppy choppy.
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March 16

It's harvest day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There have been soooo many hard times through this grow between the security of the site, financial troubles, delay in the grow due to problems at the site, plant issues, losses bs bs bs etc.. But no longer because today was my day. I had awaited this harvest way before I started this grow, probably since iv'e been smoking bud, it was a dream come true to grow my own bud first hand by myself and harvest. Originally when I went out and bought this setup I had plans for over 1lb (lol) If things were different in my situation that would be very do-able with my setup. Things happened the way they did so it is what is, but none the less there is bud to be harvested!!! After the long last few months of hard work this harvest was one of the most gratifying rewarding beautiful experiences I have ever had in my life, there is nothing like growing MJ for yourself. I didn't achieve anywhere near my goal but I made it and that felt damn good (maybe not as good as 1lb+ but ya know lol) but early on when I had to rush into flower I didn't expect much and was real happy how things turned out. I should probably mention I'd been flush for the past 2 weeks (organics i know....) I just wanted to taste the cleanest organic bud my first bout and wanted to ensure nice product so after lots of advice i opted to flush. Thinking back and in light of information I've acquired after the fact I think I would've been fine because of the organics. Also I had been following the trichomes under the 100-60x scope they were all just about ready except the tall purple sativa looking lady and the nitrogen depleted topped twin tower i figured they would need more time and I chopped the rest and was on my merry way, things were getting sketch with the grow commuting back in forward. So I was happy to make clean with the product I will return shortly for the other two.

March 17

Had a nice little chop party surprisingly I have a zillion pics of the grow but not too many of after the harvest :/ I was just so overwhelmed and overjoyed that pictures, cameras, phones, social interaction, life all those distractions were put on pause. Needa spend some quality time with my ninas lol. Well heres what I got for pics thats not all the bud I had another news paper full of bud and there were still 2 plants uncut at the grow.

March 23
Well it's been along time coming these two only got really cloudy no amber (?) idk. But at 77 days of flower I figured good enough, they looked ripe any ways.Plus things were sketch and it was the best descion for the situation. The tall sativa purple looking plant was my second favorite of the group it had such unique characteristics nothing like anything iv'e bought in a long time (and i get some dannk), but the bushy purple indica took my heart. tbh I don't remember individual yield (sorry I know) but altogether I can say it was 6 1/4 ounces (about 10 shy haha!) And it was some straight dank. I wish I had posted sooner so I could have had an accurate smoke report and pics of my nugs but that was last year and all that bud is long long gone... unfortuantely but I am in the works of planning another. My apologies for the lack nug shots after harvest i even wish I had some for myself (fond memories make me feel all warm and fuzzy)

March 28
The purpley sativa all trimmed up (aint she purdy) Well thats all for now, if i stumble upon any more pics I will deffinetly post them. It's been real everybody
peace and stay high


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Damn man your marijuana took ages to grow it seems and congratz on your first grows man! If I had tried to grow 6 plants and it was my first grow I think they would have all died and I loved the way you trimmed the buds well! its just perfect!
freshh grow, wish I could've partaken in some of that quality bud! nice pics too btw real quality :bigjoint: I'm awaiting to see pics from your next grow, i'm sure it'll be a lot nicer the 2nd time around! congrats man

Thanks for taking the time to tell us about your first grow. Your first time on here was terrific with
all the pics and story about all the little things..really cool writings and like I said all the pics really are worth a thousand words..Congrats Man! Best of luck in all your future grows, the future looks bright...