First grow! 600w HPS 3X6 12 seeds!

I don't feel real safe doing a grow journal, but I'm high and I think it'll be fun! Also helpful, and I'd like to share also. Sorry my grammar is probably going to be all bad and everywhere. So my life has been... crazy... long story short, I'm jobless and injured and forced to start my family early! I was going to wait for my seeds that I ordered online, but... they are about to ship it out for the 4th time this week.... sigh... Maybe it's a good thing. Hopefully it won't be a total waste of time growing the seeds that I've been collecting. It's a gamble but I'm a bit too impatient, and I need to start something.

My seeds: 1 OG KUSH, 1 Cherry Cola ( it's not really called that but that's all i remembered when i asked, lol) 10 Mystery

lol, this could be a disaster... they're all regular seeds.... gamble gamble... I actually named my seeds... because of the whole not sure and mystery reasons.... Cherry Cola is now called #1 Stunna, tell you guys why later. OG KUSH is named Hope. The 10 mystery seeds are called WUTANG. These are all seeds I've picked from smoking... the 10 mysteries I remember were some budget badly grown bud, and I'm hoping it had good genetics. I'm a noobie but I've done lots and lots and lots of learning and researching. I feel confident. So I might totally fail and might of have save some nice seeds for later, hopefully they come on the 4th try...

OK lets see....

So I was planning on building my own 4X5ish tent, but ended up in a studio with a 3X6 closet. The place was filthy when i moved in, but after many hours of labor, the place started to look alright. During all this i was injured from work, and didnt work. This also made me realize how much more I love cannabis! Well as my adventure continues.... = ) on a budget...

My grow closet:
Panda film
car sun reflectors
lots of black, white, aluminum, carpet, duct tape
some carpet thing for the flooring
tarp zipper

My Set up:
600w super hps hortilux
phantom dimmable 600w ballast
6'' cool glass reflector
3spd osc. fan with taped on carbon filter

Fox Farm potting soil
distilled water
some coco

I've already put them in dirt so bare with me, I hope I don't get lazy and catch up.
So I'm pretty broke right now, but I didn't have any of this equipment 2 weeks ago, and I'm going to have to wing it a bit.
I was going to wait, but I realized if I'm careful, It can be done! But I do eventually need a portable AC.

So I'm going to fast forward and if i have to go back to how my setup or room is I will.
I started to germinate them last night. i seperately put them on water sprayed paper towel, and then into a ziploc. then i put them in a box and put a towel on top of it in a corner. Remember I just moved into my studio this month. So I checked them about 12 hrs later and #1 stunna showed his/her booty! That's why cherry was named #1 Stunna! All the other seeds did not pop but all of them got rid of any whiteness and got swollen it seems.

Then after playing with the temperature and power % and all those numbers, I decided to put them into soil. Fox Farm and some coco that I got for free. Was pretty scared I didnt want to over water them or get the soil too compact. But I'm pretty OCD and I think i did ok.

That's about it for now, I'm tired of typing... I'm sure I missed alot so I'll get back to it later! Thanks for stopping by! Y<3

But before I get off;

3:00 AM 97.3 deg F 61% humidity inside closet
fan on with zipper down half way, door partially open
76.3F 61% inside house
So I noticed none of the Wutang clan popped open yet, but the other two are showing more. Amazing how fast they are moving along. I'm so excited even to grow seeds im not so sure of. although id be alot more excited with the seeds i took so long to decide on. Anyone have any questions about anything? I plan on keeping up with this post. Hopeing this will be resourceful and I learn something new everyday, so tryin out something totally new. Saying, I'm not much of a thread guy at all. But I loved creeping on this site for the past months and I feel the need to contribute back anything i can back to rollitup and its amazing community! mad props to everyone here! neways, i wasnt gonna do this for anti ego reasons, but i have some time on my hands due to my injury, and work status. Also as corny as it sounds, this seems like a wonderful community. but i try to be careful... yet, i have no bad intentions.

lights on, zipper open, 97.5F 63% , inside house 74.1 63%
timer is set on 18/6
11am off, 5pm on

any suggestions so far? i plan on gettin portable ac/dehum. and going ghetto fab co2!
I'm buggin them too much... but heres #1 Stunna n Hope and I checked a few of the Wutang clan, n they are right behind them.

i didnt keep them like in the pic, of course with real extreme care.


Well-Known Member
Looks good man, looks pretty similar to how my 1st grow started out in the closet with a tarp zipper.

1 thing I will say which im sure your aware of: You need to vent that light badly. If your temps stay close to 100 all the time your gonna have very slow/poor growth and will have more chance of males. Not saying it cant be done because my temps in my current grow get in the 90's for a few hours while its still hot outside and they are doing ok but its not something you want to have constantly.

If $ is tight go hunting on craigslist everyday. Id go for a 300-400 CFM inline fan. I found my 6" inline fan and carbon filter together for $70!

The other problem your going to have to figure out is how to run your ducting out of the closet without letting light in once you get to flowering. This is the exact reason I decided to shell out for a grow tent, makes things much easier.

Just some thoughts!
i wanted to try a sealed closet. my plan was to have ac/de so i can run some c02 later and i had huge insect problems so more reason to go sealed. so... hopefully i can get a ac sometime soon. i thought i had it all figured out, but i knew things wouldnt go totally as planned. but thats okay, so right now im tryin to keep it cool as much as i can til i can afford an ac. yea im gonna go ac for sure i think, hopefully... an portable ac/dehumidifier would solve this, u think?

n i just went ocd and all my babies r popped and going at it stronger then i thought for some, cept two of them havent cracked n actually look even whited out a bit again. but i have lots of faith!

oh yea i sealed the closet from 100% light i believe when closed, i went inside it... and when zipped up and closed, i feel it is virtually 100% air sealed. i put alot work in, while sealing everything (including the whole studio) up for insects. had a huge cockroach, bed bug, gnat problem.... got rid of most of them...
2PM, 81.5F 61%RH with lights off and zipper up. seedling roots are growing, the ones that werent, are starting. tommorrow they should start to peak thru the top?
k checked all my seedlings... ocd... two of the wutang seeds havent budged... so looks like those might be the first two gone, but we'll see. some of the wutangs roots are alot longer then i thought they would be, think one or two outgrew #1 n Hope. i think most of them will be ready for a transplant in prolly 2-3 days.
closet 96.4f 57% zipper open osc fan blowing out the closet a bit.
indoor home temps. 82.9 57%
k not touching anything until they are ready to go move in to their new spot!
n right now not really watering them, just keeping it moist around, and sprayed them down a bit.

pix in a day or two, no point of constantly taking pix... or sharing them... hahaha
93.6F 61% with zipper open and closet slightly open. not bad. learning ways to cool the temp, while my broke ass needs to find a way to get an ac! gona wait til tomorrow for pictures. it's going to be beautiful.... but two of them still havent even cracked the shell. and Hopes shell came off!
Dude get some CFLs to start them off with since they are young they don't need the 600 right now. Also are you dimming the ballast?

Whenever you get a chance pick up ducting an a couple boosters fans and put that air cooled reflector to use. You need to get your ventilation system setup to where you bringing in cool house air and dumping the hot it. Good luck.
well i kno all this, but im a bit broke and left with no option but to start... = ( but... i believe... i hope im not too naive and fuck this all up... but i believe, and with more intensive care, it might jus work, not jus work, but be worth my hard work...!! but im plannin on tryin to get a ac soon... and try to keep it all sealed up and see how it all goes, most likely im not gona have no damn room cuz i am greedy like a mofo... lol but yea no money right now, with bills coming up... all i have is me, them, her, and you guys!!! lol

i am at 75% prolly should 50... but im experimenting at the same time.

but hey thanx for comin by and any input or comments tho! appreciate it! n i kno... i say im broke but the elektrik bill.... that is legally not coming out of my pocket... lol
reminds me while i am looking at wyteberrywidow's grow... depending on what becomes male or female, i might end up breeding or saving pollen. more things to learn... zzz... everyday seems so exciting... first grow feelings are priceless it seems! gnyte!
can't i just keep the zipper open and door open for flowering and then close it all up with no light going thru when lights are off? i dont see why that wouldnt work, or why i didnt think of it. i think i didnt realize how fortunate to be living in the weather conditions that im in. lucky me! but i think i should vent it out, just money...


Well-Known Member
Hey good luck. I have a home made tent and I always open it for the day and close it before the lights go off. But if you forget a couple of times it could stress them and hermie them. If your room temps are not extremely hot you really don't need an A.C. On amazon or ebay just get a cheap $30 inline fan and some duct($20) and vent it out of the room if possible. Even to the space between the ceiling and floor or attic above. This way your not heating the room your pulling the fresh air from which will occur just from hooking up the inline fan. If you pull air out the fresh air has to come in unless it's completely air tight. This should help you out a lot and is a lot cheaper than buying a portable ac as long as your not overly concerned with the smell. If so you'de be amazed at how much just a open bag of regular charcoal will absorb.

And yes I know there are a lot better ways than this. Just giving a noob some money saving tips to get up and running with out breaking the bank. If you check it out you will see that companies market little backs of charcoal in diff. packaging to absorb smells all the time because if you put them back out in the sun for awhile they renew them selfs. Charcol that we cook with is the exact same thing.
wow thanx man.... really appreciate it... ill prolly go inline fan. right now i jus have a huge fan blowing out of it kinda with it half open, and is nice. but for when im not here. actually ill jus do inline fan and im sure that solves everything... but im going cheap one cuz my conditions arent that extreme i dont think, jus a lil extra lovin!
thanx again!
two of them are still not cracked, one is barely showin root, and the rest are preparing for the big party!! Hope looks like the one advancing the most so far. probably the genetics and my hoping loving vibe!!! anyone paint in here?
wow i just realized it was a blessing in disguise that i havent gotten my beans yet! gettin real interested in the whole breeding thing, and so interested in the surprises i might have in my seeds.... or total crappy oregano stuff... but i am really doubting that!!!! believing!!!


Well-Known Member
You might want to get a grow or two before you think about breeding. It takes more money also because you have to have separate home for your females and males that you want to breed. You also have to really understand genetics of your strains you want to breed. But it does sound fun to play around with. As far as your bag seeds I'd agree with you that they probably are pretty good smoke. Last year I grew a hole bunch of bag seeds outside from some brown brick weed and ended up with a bunch of purple kush. I hope for the same luck for you.
damn i jus realized hope might not be og kush... but og jack. which is not bad. and #1 stunna might be something else too, and idk... lol but at least i have a bunch of decent genetics to figure out... lol pix coming soon! i put 6 in their new homes. others are hurting 4 are fighting, two idk... i think ill get prolly 3 out of them... hope i get lucky with those...