First grow (all help welcome) 3 bagseeds and Feminized Kalashnikova


So I finalllly decided to make use of my MMJ card. It's been about 6 months since I've had it and figured its about that time since laws are currently unclear here in the MItten. Anyhow, I recently (day 6 of seedling) germed and soiled 3 bagseeds and they are now under a 2' - 4 Bulb T5 fixture. I'm considering adding some CFL's for a little boost.

I tried germing 2 cheese seeds (from bag) but had no success in producing a taproot in either. I also purchased 5 feminized kalashnikova seeds from Attitude and germed 2 which are just starting to show taproots. I'll probably put them in soil later tonight (should I put them under light right after I add to soil?).

I plan on putting the 3 bagseeds under a 600w HPS Cooltube inside of a 4x4x78" tent to flower and eventually adding the Kalashnikova seedlings about 2-3 weeks after. I will be adding some pictures shortly if I can figure out how to add them from my phone. Anyhow I am more than open for suggestions/helpful recommendations to assist me along the way. Any other questions or anything let me know...


Just added 2 - 23w CFL's and two personal fans as well as a timed 8 outlet plug. I also added the 2 Kalashnikova's to cups and am waiting for them to sprout. Here's some pics:


Any comments or recommendations??

Edited to add: One of my taller seedlings (the second pic) is curling it's leave underneath...anything to worry about??


Alright so can anyone answer my question about the curling under of the leaves? Also, when should I start adding my Fox Farm nutrients? On the chart it says for the seedlings to do 2 tablespoons/gallon. I do know that FFOF should be good to go for the first couple of weeks. Can anyone help?????


What is your temperature in your grow area? Be sure not to over-water(only water when top two inches of soil are bone dry), avoiding watering directly around the stem. Also, have you checked the ph of your soil or your water?


Temp is at 77f and humidity is right around 50%. I've only been watering when necessary. I have a tomato/pepper garden in the summer so I'm pretty good about knowing when to water. The one is still curling under...don't really get it as the other 2 are really looking nice. Anyways, heres some pics:


The third pic is a good example of the plants leaves curling under. These plants are currently under the same conditions. Same soil, same water etc etc. Just kind of curious to me...last pic is of the first sprouting Kalashnikova.