First Grow Any Tips/Advice, Nute burn or Light Burn


So im growing two plants indoors in a wardrobe. One is Northern Lights strain, the other is THC bomb. They have been sprouted a month now and I am considering changing into the flowering stage. The light are on 24hrs during the veg stage. Both plants are starting to show signs of sex. I am using CFLs and I have two 65w bulbs and 2x 23w Bulbs. One of the 65w Bulbs is 6400k while the rest are 2700k. Lights are about 2.5 inches from the plant. I swap the plants around every 3 days in order to share the same amount of light spectrum. The soil I use is 1 part worm compost from my wormery and 4 parts westland multi purpose soil (high nutrients and PH of 6-7). I use Miracle Grow All purpose (28-8-16) fertiliser every 2nd day following innstructions on the box. For ventilation I air out the wardrobe every day.

Northern Lights:

2013-03-02 15.58.39.jpg

THC Bomb:

2013-03-02 15.58.11.jpg

As you can see from the photos the NL is striving and is much bigger than the thc bomb although planted at the same time, Im sure this is just down to the strain.
So for some questions, some leaves of the THC bomb have been turning yellow/brown as you can see from the pics below I am unsure weather this is due to light burn or nute burn.

2013-03-02 16.16.16.jpg2013-03-02 16.16.26.jpg2013-03-02 16.16.34.jpg2013-03-02 16.16.43.jpg

Both plants especially the NL are growing quite bushy rather than growing upwards from research I have found this could be due to the plants focusing the energy on establishing a root system but they have been in the pots for about 2 weeks, before that they were in 2 litre bottles. Any advice to put my mind at rest?

Also for the flowering stage would it be okay to use the 28-8-16 fertz. I know the plant prefers more phosphorus and less nitrogen during flowering stage but budget is a factor. If this hindered the yield greatly i would get buy ferts suitable for flowering. Any advice on brand etc?

From what I have posted are the plants of suitable size to go into the flowering stage???

Any help or advice for my queries would be greatly appreciated!! :)


Well-Known Member
It looks like the start of nute burn. The clawing of the leaves in the first pics are a tell tale sign of overfeeding.