First grow attempt


New Member
Morning folks, this is my first real attempt at growing and so far it's not looking good. My setup is as follows. I have a 2x3x5 grow tent with a 600 w hps/mh. I got some seeds (indicas) from a friend to try out. He had good luck with them a while back. I started to germ 3 of them using paper towel method. After a week I saw nothing so I decided to put those 3 and 3 more into fox farms soil. The "new" 3 I soaked in water and proxide till they sank. They have been in my tent since Monday with the mh light on them. RH is about 40% temp is 80-82. There under 24 hr light. What am I doing wrong? Or am I just being too impatient. I haven't grown anything from seed since grade school so bare with me plz. Any input?? Or ????

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
Typically they should sprout in under a week
Was the paper towel moist at all time? and was it in a warm dark environment?
Dr. Jekyll

Maybe your buddy just gave you dead players.
Mr. Hyde


New Member
Yeah paper towels were wet inside a plastic bag. I put the bag inside I'm between some alum foil to keep it dark. It then sat on top of my pellet stove to keep warm. It didn't get hot just warm.

i have some fem seeds coming and want to make sure I don't mess those ones up if this was something I did


Active Member
sounds like the fuckers aren't doing what ya want them ta do….

I'd be patient, i only germed my first seeds 4 mths ago, went with two, left them in a reasonably warm room, nada,

went with another two, on my router in paper towel and plates and two days boom...

But, after day five the other two fuckers popped… had to kill them, no space…. shameful and cruel ...

Lesson learned.. patience...

Ice Cubez

Well-Known Member
I'd say generally if none of the seeds pop in germination they are not going to sprout. I've heard of people gently scraping the outer shell with sand paper might want to give that a try.


Active Member
give them a lil spray twice a day, and cover with something like a 2 ltrs bottle cut in half to add some humidity around them there lovely lil fuckers...


Active Member
this is how I start my seeds and I've had 100% success so far . I put some water in a shot glass ( bottled water if you got any ) . put my seed(s) in it and let it soak for 24 hours. next day I go to check on the seed(s) I give a little tap and it should sink to the bottom . now it's ready to go straight into the soil which I have already watered and is nice and moist. if the beans are any good they should sprout withing 2-4 days . I keep spraying them twice a day like you said to keep the top layer of soil moist. can't let the soil dry out . keep the temps around 75 or little higher . low temps = longer time for seeds to sprout. good luck man
P.S. I'm a noob myself but I've had 100% success rate with germinating seeds like that.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Buy a seedling mat. The temp is held twixt 10-20F over room temp. Plug it in.
Get a couple of paper towels wet, but not dripping all over. Fold the Ptowels into 1/4's.
Get a tupperware/ziplock/rubbermaid square bowl. Place one of the Ptowels in the bottom of the bowl.
Place your seeds into the bowl on top of the Ptowel. Now place the other Ptowel on top of the seeds.
Put the top on the bowl and put the bowl on the seedling mat.
In 24 hrs your seeds will be popping. Straglers may take 48 hrs.
Plant in your starter media with the white pointy end of the "root" pointing down....

The heating mat at that temp is ideal for popping seeds, and fast too!
Do not leave them unchecked for longer then 24hrs as the tiny "starter" root can get to long and that sometimes make them less effective to transplant into your starting media.

Find a seed mat here.
Google seed mat for price's around the web.
This has worked the BEST for ME for over 30 years!

Good Luck.