First Grow, Bagseed, on a Budget


Active Member
Thought I would share some pictures of the small closet grow I've had going for just over a month now. I adopted the plant from a friend when it was still very young. Like the title says, I'm doing this on a budget so it's just a few 26w and a few 42w CFLS. Growing in soil. Mixed in a little lime and a lot of pearlite. Watering with gallon jugs of distilled water from the grocery store and some miracle grow tomatoe plant fertilizer. I'm using nothing from an online vendor and nothing from a hydro store. Anyways, here are the first few pics. Sorry for the low quality, but I only have a camera phone at the moment.

I've posted the pictures in sets of three. I don't give a rat's ass about post count, so don't flame me for it. I did this for organizational purposes. I think it makes the journal easier to follow, and it's easier to match the captions up with their corresponding pictures. Oh yeah...enjoy!! I'll post updates when I have three more pictures to show. Progress of some seedling projects will be added as well.

From left to right...
1. --01-18-09-- Just recieved the plant at this stage. Funky shaped lower leaves. No idea why.

2. --01-19-09-- Not much bigger.

3. --01-22-09-- A little bigger, but turning yellow. At this point it was starved for nutrients. I let it get pretty bad before I corrected the problem.



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From Left to Right...

4. --01-28-09-- At this point the plant is finally perking up from its malnourishment. I stopped taking pictures for a few days while the plant looked real sad, but you can still see the yellowed leaves and the scars from trimming the lower yellowed leaves in this photo.

5. --01-30-09-- Finally looking much better. I had just FIMed it in this photo.

6. --02-03-09-- Four new tops starting to grow in! First picture after being transplanted into bigger plastic (screw clay!!) pot.



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From Left to Right...

7. --02-06-09-- Still an ugly plant in my opinion.

8. --02-09-09-- Sad looking plant. The stem was that crooked when I adopted it. At this point it didn't have enough light or enough nutrients.

9. --02-12-09-- Definitely showing malnourishment in the lower leaves. Finally taller than a pop can! I'll use the same can in later photos for size comparisons.



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From Left to Right...

10. --02-15-09-- Corrected the nutrients. Added more light. From this point on the plant seems to be flourishing. I've bent down and just topped two of the lower branches in this photo.

11. --02-17-09-- Eh...still an ugly plant but it's definitely improving.

12. --02-18-09-- The first photo of this plant that makes me smile a little bit. :)



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From Left to Right...

1. --02-18-09-- Another angle from the same day as above. At this point the plant is finally getting a bit thicker and bushier.

2. --02-20-09-- One of the tops developed "retarded" leaves. Don't know why...don't really's just bagseed haha.

3. --02-20-09-- Same day different angle. Not too shabby.



Active Member
Feel free to let me all know what you think. Suggestions and constructive criticism are always welcome!

Pistols have been showing for awhile now, so she's definitely a female

From Left to Right...

16. --02-22-09-- Adding foil to the walls didn't seem to help with the lighting much, but I left it anyways. I should be getting some mylar soon.

17. --02-24-09-- Filling in nicely.

18. --02-24-09-- I plan to transplant into a 5-gallon pot in the next few days. Roots have been coming out of the bottom of this pot for at least a week and a half now.



Active Member
Title indicates it's just bagseed. Probably some sativa/indica cross. Looks pretty good though.
Yeah it's just bagseed. I think it was pulled from a bag of mids but that doesn't say much and I honestly don't really remember.

I want to get her as big as possible before I flower. Like I said, I'll probably be transplanting into a 5-gallon pot pretty soon. I'm also waiting for another seedling to be ready to flower with this plant so that I can flower more than one at a time.


Active Member
Here are a few more pics I took today. I'm very excited to flower this plant, but I'm still waiting for a few other seedlings to be ready.

From Left to Right...

19. --03-03-09-- I've still been too lazy to transplant. Oh well.

20. --03-03-09--

21. --03-03-09-- I wish I had a better camera so that I could zoom up on the pistols.



Active Member
Thanks! Before I flower I'm going to add at least four 45w CFLs. That along with the two 42ws and the three 26w65k will be all I'm using.

I just put up mylar today, so light should be reflected much better and more evenly now. I was just using aluminum foil before.

For nutes I've only been using Miracle Grow Tomatoe Plant Fertilizer. It's 18,18,21. I haven't decided what I'm going to use for flowering yet. Can anyone suggest some good flowering fertilizer that I could easily find at any Ace Hardware, Wal-Mart, or Home Depot?


Active Member
Thanks guys!!

Looks great Eldoink! That's definitely an indica dominant strain. It has great color and it looks very full from your picture. Keep it up man!!

I just put my girl into flower yesterday. I had been giving her 18/6 for awhile now and the preflowers were getting quite big. I'm very happy with the number of "budding locations" this plant has developed. I STILL haven't gotten around to adding more light or transplanting. Life's been keeping me pretty busy. On to the pics!

From Left to Right...

22. --03-12-09-- The two taller tops are just a result of me experimenting and unevenly topping the plant several weeks ago. It looks goofy, but hey bud is bud.

23. --03-12-09--

24. --03-12-09-- Look at all those pistols!!!



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From Left to Right...

25. --03-12-09-- Sorry about the blurry ass pic, but if you look carefully you can see each of the tops covered in white pistols.

26. --03-12-09-- Trying to get a close-up

27. --03-12-09-- The two seedlings in red cups are bagseed. They are each from a different bag, but I remember keeping the seeds several months ago because I was very impressed with the weed they came from. The three smaller seedlings are some power skunk seeds that were given to me. Hopefully I'll get some more females.



Active Member
Everything looks good man, be careful waiting too long to transplant because you could send the roots into shock and lose some of that hard work, hate to see a fine plant suffer some losses... Best of Luck!!


Active Member
Everything looks good man, be careful waiting too long to transplant because you could send the roots into shock and lose some of that hard work, hate to see a fine plant suffer some losses... Best of Luck!!
Yeah if it doesn't get transplanted within the next week and a half it's not gonna happen.