First grow: Barney's Farm Critical Kush 12/12fs. Need some help


Hey guys, I'm doing my first ever grow. I don't smoke that much and as it's my first grow I'm not aiming for more than 15g harvest.
The plant is 1 month old and I started feeding it like 10 days ago (bio-bizz trio pack)... I think it got burned from nutes at first so I only gave it water for a couple of days and the plant recovered except for the middle leaves, which are still really dry and brown at the edges...
Should i cut or trim these leaves or just leave them? Other than those leaves does the plant look healthy?




Well-Known Member
It looks like only a couple leaves, it won't hurt to trim them An alternative is to just trim the dead parts off or you can remove one or more "fingers" from a leaf without harm. They aren't going to get green again and are a place to harbor disease.


Well-Known Member
Give them a light tug, if thry eant to come off they will.

How often are you watering and what kind of soil. Yoy may not need any nutes and when I hear about watering for a few days, it makes me wonder if you are watering too often.


Give them a light tug, if thry eant to come off they will.
How often are you watering and what kind of soil. Yoy may not need any nutes and when I hear about watering for a few days, it makes me wonder if you are watering too often.
I put my thumb an inch down the soil and if it's dry I water them. Generally every day, I tried doing it every other day but they started started drooping and when I watered them they sprang up after a bit of time. So I do it every 24h.
The soil I'm using is the biggest fuck up I did, I should have used some recommended good quality soil but I didn't know any better and used some universal soil for vegetables. It was already fertilized with 12-12-17 and is mainly turf and a small part green compost.. Hopefully it wont kill the plant.
I did feed it again with 1/4th the amount of nutes I used before and the plant seemed happy and it didn't have any more issues.