First grow... be gentle with me...


ok guys.. This is Fem lowryder #2. This is my first grow and I would love some feedback from you experienced growers. I know she is a little bit stretchy, but otherwise I think she's doing beautifully. This is day # 39 and she's just starting to show trichs.. Again, this is my first attempt at growing MJ, so offer any useful suggestions... Trolls, please go back under your respective bridges... TY.

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Well-Known Member
okay i see you youre doing good its my first time also ill send you a link check me out
ok guys.. This is Fem lowryder #2. This is my first grow and I would love some feedback from you experienced growers. I know she is a little bit stretchy, but otherwise I think she's doing beautifully. This is day # 39 and she's just starting to show trichs.. Again, this is my first attempt at growing MJ, so offer any useful suggestions... Trolls, please go back under your respective bridges... TY.

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Got a couple more pics, pardon the old crappy camera tho :P

Guys, TY so much for the encouragement and positive feedback. I read a ton of info here before I decided to try this for myself and with the help of this site I've got a rockin' plant to show off.

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Active Member
Got a couple more pics, pardon the old crappy camera tho :P

Guys, TY so much for the encouragement and positive feedback. I read a ton of info here before I decided to try this for myself and with the help of this site I've got a rockin' plant to show off.

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Looks great and that's how it should be done, lots of reading and research then plant seeds and ask for help if needed. RIU is awesome site full of good info unlike many others I've seen with many people giving out wrong advice. RIU is full of great growers who are for the most part honest and accurate. You gotta love it

Sailor Jerry

Well-Known Member
looks good. I'd try to add some more dirt to your pot. The more room the pot has for roots, the better.

More roots = more buds.


Well-Known Member
Ding a lot better than my first.... 3 plants/tries.

Only tip I have is patience. Make sure you dont get over excited and chop early. Remember that flowering times are not an exact science. 8 weeks could really be 11 etc. Some breeders start the count when you hit 12/12 others wait until some real bud sites show.

I harvest by pistil color and recession along with general hue and plumpness.


Well-Known Member
yeah my 8 week auto turned into like 10 weeks..also what you could do if you dont have something for it go to radioshack and pick up a pocket microscope for like $12, so you can check out the color of the trichomes.


I do need to pick up a pocket microscope, but for now my hubby brought me a welder's loupe, kind of like a jeweler's loupe, but they use it to examine the density and grade or metals, so it gives me a pretty damn good look at the trichs... She has *just*, and I mean just as in yesterday, started showing the trichs.. they are no where near the right color or abundance yet and this lady will be well worth waiting for. She's still got growing to do, and I've got all the time in the world to let her do it. :)

I'm just glad that you guys, and all your experience, agree that my first attempt is going well.. I'm already planning another grow. lol



I've heard that with a hydroponic setup there was a 96 gram dry harvest reported from a lowryder #2.. I can't dream of getting anywhere near that yield, but She's got little popcorn buds fattening up all over the place. The Lowryder #2 strain is supposed to have one main cola and a few popcorn buds from everything I've read, she just seems to be doing me proud. This is my first time posting a video too, so I hope this come out ok. Shot it with my Nano 5g.. Damn good little camera there believe it or not.

Mister Black

Active Member
Really like your plant. Great job. Looks very healthy. As a first time grower on day 9 I have a few questions. At what stage did you add nutes? What nutes did you use? Did you LST or FIM or top or any such thing as that? Again congratz on the grow and I hope it goes well into the next phase.


Really like your plant. Great job. Looks very healthy. As a first time grower on day 9 I have a few questions. At what stage did you add nutes?

ok... I did not use any type of potting soil, I used plain top soil with compost added in it. I germinated her with the paper towel method, when she had a nice long tap root (took about 36 hours) I planted her directly into the soil. At the start of week 2 I began with a bio-tone microbial plant food / soil conditioner / root starter. it rocked that little plant like crazy. She started having visual growth on a daily basis.

What nutes did you use?

Starting at week 3 I alternated a grow nute with a bloom nute. Keep in mind, this little lady is an autoflower strain and I had learned here and at other websites that with autos you can skip a lot of growth nutes and work in the bloom nutes early. So I did that. Even now my hubby and a couple of our friends comment on how her buds getting longer and fatter each day.

Did you LST or FIM or top or any such thing as that? Not at all. I just fed her alternating growth and bloom and plain distilled water every 4th watering schedule as a 'mini flush', and just let her go.

Again congratz on the grow and I hope it goes well into the next phase.
TY.. she's rocking along nicely, so (fingers crossed) hopefully she keeps on keeping on.