First Grow,CFL's With Bagseed--PICS


Well-Known Member
YOYOYO DaC Is Back!! Ok So its my first grow and I have one CFL (100wt) currently on the dirt. Maybe about 4 inches above them,Ill be adding pics of my whole process. But I just put the seeds in the dirt today.

The lighting Im suppose to be doing is 24/0 until sprout then 20/4 until Im through vegging right?

1PIC)Germing Seeds in paper towel (3 days)

2PIC)Supplies (wallyworld) (20$)

3rdPIC)Potting soil (right one? right? lol)

Pics of grow box in just a sec.,want to break up the posts for loading purposes.

: )




Well-Known Member
Ok So now this is the grow box. Slightly Ghetto rigged but whos isint!?! ha!

Ok So now. The only ? I have is about the light. Is it too close to the dirt and are my times correct? (see Post #1)

1stPIC) hole on top of box where Light is hanging,also have quarter sized holes in the sides and top for air flow.

2cndPIC) over view of the box. I have the seeds starting in the bottem half of a water bottle(trying the cheapist route,lol) I have about 5 holes in the bottem of the bottles poked with a nail,so the holes arint huge.

3rdPIC) Overview,Light On.

4thPIC) how far away the light is from the dirt. Maybe about 4-5 inches?

Any ?'s or suggestions are very welcome!

More pics to come. Oh also Im thinking of vegging for a month then flowering for a month, I dont want a massive plant so maybe just let it Veg until its like 1ft tall?

Thanks for reading, Will update often so check back! How long until it will sprout?




Well-Known Member
YOYO thanks ganja! Keep checkin in,Ill be updating very often! Thanks for reading : )


Well-Known Member
Alright, Just wanted to give a small update. Im watering daily, no sprout yet but I think that takes a few days. Its day #2 of seeds in dirt. Im watering them about 60ml a day(1/4 cup) of just plain tap water. Im going to start letting my water sit for 24H before I water with it.

The temp in the box seems fine,Slightly warm but not hot at all. I currently have 1(100wt)CFL over 4 little cups. As soon as I see some sproutage Ill put another light in there. Im not going to keep all 4 plant. I hopeing for at least 2 females : )

Anyway. Ill post again very soon and keep yall updated,laters!



Well-Known Member
oh also quick question. After the seeds sprout and grow just a bit im planning on moving to a plastic milk jug that Im going to cut the top off.

My grow plan is to Veg for a month then Flower for a month. No chems and maybe 3(100wt) CFL's.

Q#1)will my container be big enough?
Q#2) Have enough light?
Q#3)to transplant I just cut away the little cup and stick in the plastic jug full of miracle grow?




Well-Known Member
Hello everyone! The babies birthdays were yesterday so this is day #2 post of pics then Ill post Day#3 next.

Ok, So Day # 2 I had 3 out of 4 seeds sprout. I guess they are looking good but I still need some advice on the lights above the plants and if my containers will work. Anyway. I didint think that 1 CFL would be enough so I added another. So now my set up is 2 (100wt) CFL's.

Anyway! Heres the PICS! *drum roll*




Well-Known Member
Ok! So Today is Day#3. They almost look like their stretching for light a bit? but I dont know? Also the one all the way on the right maybe looks a little brown and dull. Overwatering?lightburn?AIDS? Yall tell me,ha.

Anyway heres the pics!


Oh P.s. I took a PIC with my hand for comparison. Are the lights to close or to far? Thanks



Active Member
I can dig it... But I would like to make a few suggestions... Use something on the walls of the box to make it more reflective ie; spray paint or mylar, and make a reflector for your light out of cardboard and mylar or white spraypaint. ya dont gotta, but its a simple suggestion to cheaply add to your potential yield...


Well-Known Member
Yo thank you Party for the suggestion. I was thinking about maybe tin foil? Or does it have to be white?

What do you think about how far the lights are from the plants?
also what about my grow plan,will I be able to Veg. for a month then flower for a month and harvest?

Thanks for reading and commenting! Keep checkin back in!



Active Member
dude, you need to tinfoil the hell out of the inside of that box unless you can find some mylar! and get those lights 2inches or so from the top of those plants. you may want to get some Y socket splitters for that lighting system so you can get 4 lights on there soon. do 3 6700k and 1 2700k. then when you flower you can change to 3 2700k and 1 6700k. take a look at my grow and look and how bad my plant stretched when my lights were to far away. and i used the wrong kinda light at the start as well. my grow link is in my signature


Active Member
also get a fan as well. to make those stalks strong. as someone ssaid to me "get those plants i the gym" thats what the fan does


Well-Known Member
WOW I had no IDEA!! but the lights are hott, should I get a fan on them before I move lights down!?! I dont have a small fan I'd have to go buy one in the morning.

Where do I fine Y socket spliters? I looked at wallyworld but didint see them? Those are the ones that has two plugs for blubs then a plug for a wall electricity socket?

Can I just do the whole grow on 100wt CFL's? I dont care if I have a low yeild. just want to get through it so I can grow a real strain.

Thanks so much for your advise TK. +Reps


Active Member
you could do it i think so, i didnt find any at wallyworld either! i had to go to Rona or home hardware or home depot. they had them, i just asked a guy for a Y socket splitter for a light bulb, and the plug in pieces were litterally right besdie it. are you taking 100 Watts TOTAL? or equivilant. i think in a small area and if you kept tha plant small enough you might beable to get away with it!. i was just planning on seeing what i could do, but as i got farther into it and reading and see what people were doing you can see i added to mine! With what you have right now, you could get a 2 Y socket splitters and 2 Plug in sockets, plus maybe 4 40w bulbs for like 50$ and then you would be set but yes, you should get a fan for sure, and you will be fine with the lights you got for a while. just make sure they are 6700k so that you are using the right kinda light , and get that light closer to them, so they dont stretch out :)


Active Member
and after a few weeks, switch the lights to almost all 2700k so you can flower them and get bud. remember 18hours on 6 off, and then 12 and 12 when you flower


Well-Known Member
Oh wow I was told 20/4 Im way off! I bought a timer for my wall socket like you have but I haveint put a pic up of it yet. So do I wait until I get a fan to move them closer??


Well-Known Member
And Ill grab 2 Y sockets at home depot tomorrow,you think lowes would have it? (the difference of 20 mins of driving,lol)

Also Ill fix the lighting for tomorrows night cycle. : ) Thank you so much!

Thanks C5r,Thats what Im begining to see,Im getting the correct suppiles tomorrow. Anything else you see Im doing wrong? I need to know everything! LOL



Active Member
lowes will have it im sure! well heres what you do. drop the light down and put your hand over the plant. if it feels like its to hot for your hand and you might burn yourself in 30 seconds, then its not a good idea to be that close! and move it up alittle.


Active Member
if you are going to lowes pick up a pack of the 26w 100w equivalent bulbs walmart has them cheap too. . and that way you have the right light spectrum until you can get the 40-42 watt bulbs. but 3 6700k bulbs and 1 2700k bulb. 3-1 ratio. you should be ok as long as you get that fan tomorro. and do 18-6. IMO its better for the plant. the plant mostly grows in the dark. ive had it grow 3 inches in 1 night