I moved to the pacific northwest from a very conservative state not too long ago, and for some reason I had myself convinced that I wouldn't end up being one of those people that spends hundreds of dollars every month on weed alone. Turns out it's a lot more tempting when you don't have to go through the trouble of hiding it. A while back, I'd discussed the same thing with a few friends who happened to be growing their own weed indoors. They described the basic life cycle of cannabis, the equipment and dedication necessary, and even provided me with a little starter kit with some pots and seeds. The process seemed so incredibly daunting, however. Also, I couldn't just not smoke weed to save money for growing my own, it's way more fun to have the instant gratification.
A little over a month ago, I changed my mind for some reason. I think I was browsing around Lowe's and saw some reflective insulation and reflective tape that I thought would work perfectly for a DIY tent inside of the (mostly) unused hallway closet. I picked a couple of seeds that I thought I'd really like, and started germinating them while doing a bunch of research on how to take care of them. I ended up cutting some PVC pipe in a box shape to hold the reflective insulation together, in order to be able to somewhat control the environment. I also happened to get a really good deal on a UFO grow light, which I figured would be good enough until I could afford some real lights. Everything came together surprisingly well.
I didn't think of starting a grow journal until about a week ago, so I'll be posting progress up to the last 34 days from today. After that, I'll try to update every week or so.
With my life story out of the way, here's my first grow. I appreciate any comments and/or constructive feedback. Please be gentle since I'm still new.

( 8/18 )
After the last one popped, I prepared 4 small plastic pots (about 4") with Black Gold Natural & Organic potting mix. I'd read about seedling stretching, so to try to combat this, I didn't fill the pots all the way, so that I could bury the stems more after seeing any stretching, if needed. I planted the germinated seeds about half an inch into the soil, and misted until there were a few drops of runoff water. Despite my best efforts, one of the seeds ended up on the ground before being potted. Three days later, the Lemon Pound Cake seeds sprouted. Another three days after that, the two Chem Cookies seeds sprouted, the one I dropped sprouting later in the day.

(8/21) Here's one of the Lemon Pound Cake sprouts, which came up first.

(8/24) Both sativas have their first sets of true leaves.

(8/26) Now all of them!

(8/27) A Lemon Pound Cake showing its second set just a day later.

(9/1) Watering before transplanting.
At this point, I decided to invest in some more equipment for my grow. I ordered five 3-gallon fabric pots from amazon, then went to my local hydroponics store and purchased a bottle of FF Grow Big, a pH testing kit and pH up/down, a hygrometer+thermometer, a 60x magnifying lens for use with cell phone cameras, a bag of FF Ocean Forest, and a bag of FF Happy Frog.
Around this time, I also decided for some reason that it'd be a really good idea to transplant. I think I saw a root coming out of the bottom of a plastic pot and decided it was time. I made a 1:1 mixture of the Happy Frog and Ocean Forest for my seedlings, misting the soil as I mixed. I then thought that it'd be a genius idea to also water all of the soil in the pots, despite my intentional light misting done earlier. They were then left on flat baking sheets.
Additionally, I damaged the roots on one of the Chem Cookies during transplanting (the same one I accidentally dropped after germination). It seems to have stunted the growth pretty badly, and some new leaves still grow twisted together.
A little over a month ago, I changed my mind for some reason. I think I was browsing around Lowe's and saw some reflective insulation and reflective tape that I thought would work perfectly for a DIY tent inside of the (mostly) unused hallway closet. I picked a couple of seeds that I thought I'd really like, and started germinating them while doing a bunch of research on how to take care of them. I ended up cutting some PVC pipe in a box shape to hold the reflective insulation together, in order to be able to somewhat control the environment. I also happened to get a really good deal on a UFO grow light, which I figured would be good enough until I could afford some real lights. Everything came together surprisingly well.
I didn't think of starting a grow journal until about a week ago, so I'll be posting progress up to the last 34 days from today. After that, I'll try to update every week or so.
With my life story out of the way, here's my first grow. I appreciate any comments and/or constructive feedback. Please be gentle since I'm still new.
I picked out 2 Chem Cookies seeds and 2 Lemon Pound Cake seeds to keep in my closet grow room. I have no idea whether or not these seeds are feminized. In retrospect, I shouldn't have mixed sativas with indicas, but it's a little bit too late. I decided to germinate them using the paper towel method, placing the seeds on top of damp paper towels inside of a large tupperware container, covered with plastic wrap and placed on top of my computer for warmth. Three out of the four seeds popped within 24 hours, and the last one after an additional 24 hours.
~Week 1~

( 8/18 )
After the last one popped, I prepared 4 small plastic pots (about 4") with Black Gold Natural & Organic potting mix. I'd read about seedling stretching, so to try to combat this, I didn't fill the pots all the way, so that I could bury the stems more after seeing any stretching, if needed. I planted the germinated seeds about half an inch into the soil, and misted until there were a few drops of runoff water. Despite my best efforts, one of the seeds ended up on the ground before being potted. Three days later, the Lemon Pound Cake seeds sprouted. Another three days after that, the two Chem Cookies seeds sprouted, the one I dropped sprouting later in the day.

(8/21) Here's one of the Lemon Pound Cake sprouts, which came up first.
I decided to keep these plants in a humidity dome while they were this young, and the only light I had at the time was a 10W LED strip about 6 inches from the plants. I opened the dome and misted them daily. They did stretch quite a bit, so I finally bought a better light for them, and placed them in the grow room on an 18/6 timer, with a small fan for some air circulation. I couldn't tell you how stoked I was to see them actually growing. About a year ago, I tried germinating a few bag seeds that ended up dying and molding since I forgot to keep the paper towel damp enough. I did my best to lightly mist my plants rather than drowning them.

(8/24) Both sativas have their first sets of true leaves.
~Week 2~

(8/26) Now all of them!

(8/27) A Lemon Pound Cake showing its second set just a day later.
~Week 3~

(9/1) Watering before transplanting.
At this point, I decided to invest in some more equipment for my grow. I ordered five 3-gallon fabric pots from amazon, then went to my local hydroponics store and purchased a bottle of FF Grow Big, a pH testing kit and pH up/down, a hygrometer+thermometer, a 60x magnifying lens for use with cell phone cameras, a bag of FF Ocean Forest, and a bag of FF Happy Frog.
Around this time, I also decided for some reason that it'd be a really good idea to transplant. I think I saw a root coming out of the bottom of a plastic pot and decided it was time. I made a 1:1 mixture of the Happy Frog and Ocean Forest for my seedlings, misting the soil as I mixed. I then thought that it'd be a genius idea to also water all of the soil in the pots, despite my intentional light misting done earlier. They were then left on flat baking sheets.
Additionally, I damaged the roots on one of the Chem Cookies during transplanting (the same one I accidentally dropped after germination). It seems to have stunted the growth pretty badly, and some new leaves still grow twisted together.