First grow, day 42 flowering, problems?


Active Member
Using Miracle Grow soil, beginning flush to harvest in 2 weeks. 150 watts of CFL power. Some of the leaves look really bad what do you think?



i am definably not a pro, but you might be watering to much, ill add a picture of a plant i know is over-watered, if you plant looks like that, it might be the problem.

i suggest over-watering, because i see the veins of the leaves are yellow as well as the space in between, you don't see that from nutrient errors...

Well actualy, looking over some pictures, i see that nitrogen deficiency can make the veins yellow as well. Im thinking that might be it.


Nitro deficiency:



Active Member
It can't be over watering I got watering spacing down to a science, I think it might just be that the plant is nearing the end of it's life and is using the leaves to power up the buds which ends up with leaves showing nitrogen deficiency.


Well-Known Member
It can't be over watering I got watering spacing down to a science, I think it might just be that the plant is nearing the end of it's life and is using the leaves to power up the buds which ends up with leaves showing nitrogen deficiency.
you are absolutely correct, you plant, being deep into the flowering stage is drawing extra nitrogen from all over the plant including the leafs, to suply the buds. it is very common and alot of people freak out when they see this. i was just telling this guy the same thing; he had 4 grows under his belt and evry time before harvest the leafs would go yellow and he thought he was doing something wrong


Active Member
you are absolutely correct, you plant, being deep into the flowering stage is drawing extra nitrogen from all over the plant including the leafs, to suply the buds. it is very common and alot of people freak out when they see this. i was just telling this guy the same thing; he had 4 grows under his belt and evry time before harvest the leafs would go yellow and he thought he was doing something wrong
The only thing I'm worried about is that taller one may have upwards of 5 more weeks left to go, but it's not loosing leaves as quick as the tiny one which may be done next week at this rate.


Well-Known Member
were they planted/flowered the same week? in my oppinion a shorter plant is more potent smoke and finised a week or so faster than a giant plant, who can tend to be less potent or (before sexing) a male.

i dont really see what your worried about, if your smaller plant is cut down in 2 weeks and cured for 2-3 more then by the time you have smoked the first plant up the second one will be ready to start smoking


Active Member
were they planted/flowered the same week? in my oppinion a shorter plant is more potent smoke and finised a week or so faster than a giant plant, who can tend to be less potent or (before sexing) a male.

i dont really see what your worried about, if your smaller plant is cut down in 2 weeks and cured for 2-3 more then by the time you have smoked the first plant up the second one will be ready to start smoking
Good points, I can't smoke that much though anymore growing is now the only way I can get green so I have to make these 2 plants last me till my next grow, which I have going but they are seedlings. The first 5 pictures are of the taller sativa plant the last few are a more indica looking plant could be a white widow or purple haze.


Well-Known Member
Not enough light, basically. AT LEAST prop the shorter plant up so it's as close as reasonable to that top cfl reflector.
As for yellowing, it is normal towards the end of the grow. You can feed it some nitrogen if you want it to stop, but the damaged leaves won't regain any color . . . it just won't get any worse. Someting like Alaskan Fish 5-1-1 works well and one dose during flowering is usually enough to take you thru harvest.


Active Member
Not enough light, basically. AT LEAST prop the shorter plant up so it's as close as reasonable to that top cfl reflector.
As for yellowing, it is normal towards the end of the grow. You can feed it some nitrogen if you want it to stop, but the damaged leaves won't regain any color . . . it just won't get any worse. Someting like Alaskan Fish 5-1-1 works well and one dose during flowering is usually enough to take you thru harvest.
Those lights in the picture are only 84 watts of the power I have given to it, I moved some of the lanky neck lamps to get clearer pictures.


Active Member
As for moving the lights I got 5 words

I didn't think this grow would had work, once I harvest the tiny plant I'm going to throw all 150 watts onto the big plant since it will have another month to go at least hopefully it will fill out well. They already are doing better than I could have ever hoped when I first started. I can do 3 times better with my next go for sure so I'm a bit competent and cocky but I figure I earned it with all the knowledge I gained in just 3 months.