First grow - feedback please

Hi all,

I'm growing 5 NL plants under a 400w hps light, no nutes during veg, pretty high temps (close to 90 when i dont have the door open) but there doing pretty well considering all factors. I haven't got a fan yet either as I'm a bit broke but that'll come soon hopefully. The plants are 2 weeks in.


Any feedback appreciated :D
Also if anyone could help I was wondering how early can I put them into flowering as I have limited space. I heard one they have five or more nodes they are mature enough, is this true?


Active Member
I've been told that you should start flowering depending on your height limitations. If a plant can double to triple in size during flowering, then a 1' plant can finish up to 3'. I guess in the end it all comes down to personal preference and growing style. I'm on my first grow so I'll let more experienced growers give more details.


Active Member
Use topping and LST to help with height problems. Also I don't know if there is a rule of thumb, but i would say after 4 set of nodes you're good to flower. Pretty sure the main difference is the shorter the veg time the less growth and most likely yield you will get.