First grow, first journal (Acid, Nebula, Purple Haze and Royal Dwarf)


like the title said this is my very first grow ever. I ordered the purple haze strain feminized from attitude seeds and something called medi-bomb. I got the nebula, acid and dwarf for free. These 4 are the ones that made it. Theyre about 2 1/2 weeks old now. I will at least be putting up pics weekly. I also just moved 8 more seeds into the red cups yesterday. 6 of which are called 60-day genetic wonder. (If anyone knows anymore about these please let me know) and 2 freebies (Ice, and another Royal Dwarf)

I like to think my setup is pretty legit. I set it all up with stuff I just learned from googling shit. My light is a 400w MH and ill change to HPS in flower stage. The tubing in the middle is a homemade Co2 dispenser for the plants. (Yeast + Sugar)

First Stage.jpg
Royal Dward.jpgAcid.jpgNebula 2.jpg10-2-11.jpgPurp Haze.jpgNebula.jpgSorry about the quality, it will get better. 1. The first stage 2. Royal Dwarf 3. Nebula 4. Nebula again 5. The big picture 6. Purple Haze 7. Acid


Ok so its 5 days later, not much luck on the new seedlings, I think i may have killed all or most of them. But the plants are growing great.


SDC10970.jpgSDC10968.jpg1. Group Photo 2. Purple Haze 3. Nebula 4. Royal Dwarf 5. Acid


5 days later, not getting any feedback so ill just be lazy and post only 2 pics. Neblua and the group

I rearranged the buckets
top left: Royal Dwarf
top right: Purple Haze
bottom right: Acid
bottom left: Nebula
Oct 12.jpgALL Oct 12.jpg


They look good so far. I'm currently doing my first grow as well. May I recommend getting some different soil (I've heard/read nightmare stories about Miracle Grow)? I'm currently using the Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil and have had wonderful results so far (although you'll hear different inputs on soil, I can't help but stress to get off of the Miracle Grow). Also you really need to get rid of that foil on your walls and get some black/white poly. Alum foil is not going to give you the reflection you're looking for and also can cause hot spots (it's also a fire hazard). You can get the poly for relatively cheap, it lasts a long time, and you get much much more reflection. Not trying to be a know it all or anything just helping a fellow beginner. Let me know if you have any other questions or just want to talk about stuff. Plants look great!


thanks guys, I was gonna go with FF soil but I couldnt find any sellers nearby, but there is one i found it. Its too late now for a soil transplant isnt it? ill definitely go with FF next crop. where could I find some poly rolls? how easy is it to put up?


You can transplant at any time just depends on if you want to go through the hassle of it. As of right now they look healthy so that's going to be a decision you'll have to make. I would do it sooner rather than later though if you're going to do it. As for the poly, if you have a local hydroponics shop that would be the best place to get it, otherwise there are places online that also sell it.

A little goes a long way. And it's relatively easy to put up. It's nice if you have someone else to help you as it can be awkward to put it up yourself, but I did and it seems to be holding up just fine. I used a staple gun and some cardboard to hold it in place so that it doesn't tear.


Active Member
The "panda paper" can be found at most hydro stores and ya good soil does wonders for the plants. I learned the hard way this year with my outdoor grow. Switched to some Costco soil that sounded good, but had a lot of dead and weakly grown plants instead of beasts like last years in Roots Organics soil. Grow and learn though, its the nature of the beast!


Ill transplant if it will be worth it, do you think I would notice a difference? So far theyre growing good. I feel like an idiot though, I know i needed soil that fed for 3+months and somehow I bought that miracle gro shit that does 2 months...I need to quit drinking...


Active Member
They look fine, so if and when you transplant into bigger pots id just look into some FF soil or something similar.


Iv been reading a lot about scrog, do you think that would be good to do with these 4 plants? what are the pros / cons?
I have not grown anything myself yet, but hope to be soon. However, I've done a LOT of reading also. So take my thoughts with a grain of salt ;)

I do not know of any cons to this - pros are you can get a greater yield, since you are giving more light to mostly just the colas. If you combine LST with this, you can get an even better yield ...


Another update, I put up the screen so I have the option to scrog. Would any of you recommend doing that with my setup? The other question is i Heard plants grow faster under 12-12. I have ran 18/6 since birth should I change it up?

Oct 14.jpgOct 14.jpgOct 14.jpgOct 14.jpg

Oct 14.jpg


3 days later, im very happy with how well theyre growing, the Royal dwarf actually passed the rest in height over the weekend. And i am pretty sure I can see pistils growing on it. All the seeds I planted are feminized so hopefully I wont have to worry about that, by my calculations theyre about a month old now ish.

And in other news I got a new tat over the weekend.
1. Acid
2. Purple Haze
3. Royal Dwarf
4. Nebula
5. American Badass

Oct 24.jpgOct 24.jpgOct 24.jpgOct 24.jpgSDC11000.jpg


that's awesome (not the tat)! ... I'm starting this week, hope my shit goes as good as yours.

ps - not hating on the tat lol, I was just meaning the plants


damn here we are 9 days later. The royal dwarf has been growing pretty crazy. I'd say its a pretty unique strain. The others have been growing good also. Im just really wishing I used a better soil.

1. Nebula
2. Acid
3. Royal Dwarf
4.Purple Haze
Nov 2.jpgNov 2.jpgNov 2.jpg
Nov 2.jpg

Let me know what you think!


Well-Known Member
Looks good. You can grow in anything....even sand, just add nutes as needed. When you SCROG you want the screen to go over the plant. It will increase your yield by letting the light hit all the buds. The screen makes your plants grow sideways. And topping increases bottom growth. If you don't scrog, I would top them. Look it up to make sure you know what your doing. I'll be watching.

Scrog....keep your plants under the screen until time for flower and they will grow out of it.

1. Locate the very top of your plant and cut through the main stem just below the newest growth. This should be done after the 3rd or 4th leaf set come in, but can be done at any time after the 3rd leaf set.
2. Shows Plant Top cut off and where the 2 new Branches that will form a "Y" in the main stem will grow from.
3. Shows the newly topped plant after 2 days of growth, notice the Y in the Stem Forming.