First grow, First scrog. CFL lighting

Started Dec22 2014)
I've started my first grow using an available
1.5 ft(w) X 4ft (L) X 4.5ft. (H) space in my garage under a work table against the wall.
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I used a flex hose and cpu fan for ventilation about 4in. in diameter.
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and led the hose out to an opening in the roof.(ABOVE)
I adopted some Orange Kush plants from a friend
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seperate them on Dec 22 cause they were in the same pot. They suffered from shock for a lil under a week with minimal growth. The above pic was taken a week later (Dec 29th)But once I started with nutrients (mission veg. Fertilizer) they picked up very well on Jan 4th 2015.
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during the week before the nutes I let them dry out for about 5 days. To cancel out overwatering as an issue. I removed some makeshift reflectors I had made out of aluminum trays as they caused more heat around the plants removing them helped bring temp down from sometimes hitting low 90s to staying under 90 (with fan on). Temps range from low of 68 to high of 88.
Moving along I water them 3-4 days with mission fertilizer every other watering.
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(Dec 11th update) this one above is named "fluffy" because it's always been more fuller then it's partner "slim" below.
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as they are filling out a lil bit I decided to use a scrog setup and I have since TOPPED "fluffy" on Jan. 12th and will TOP "slim" today Jan 13. Here's what everything looks as of today
View attachment 3330902 View attachment 3330903 I used some broken dining room chair legs spare wood with nails and string.
Is there anything I am missing? Can someone recommend a light I should use for flowering specifically for this size grow area? Somthing not too expensive of course.($100 under) I do realize that I will be using more vegitation time to fill in the canopy. But any insight for anything on my grow will be welcome.
Here's to hoping they are both FEMALE!
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