First grow flowering outdoors


This is my 1st grow. I've just put a bunch of girls outdoors. They are about 1.5 mths old and maybe 1.5 ft tall.

I Live in MIDWEST USA> PLEASE does anyone know if this will shock them into flowering? I heard the summer solstice here is jun 21st.

Will they go into flower then, or will it be more around late july early august?

Any one that really knows, that lives in this area that isn't guessing... please let me know.


Well-Known Member
It depends on what light cycle you used, indoors.

If it was substantially longer than your current outdoor photo period, you'll probably see some flowers.

If you can put them near a light in the early evening, every day until August 1st, it may prevent blooming until then, when most outdoor plants begin to bloom. Leave the light on long enough to match your indoor cycle, at least at the beginning. You can shorten this over a period of weeks, but very gradually.

If you choose to do nothing, and flowers appear, the plant will likely(about 90% of the time) reveg by July 1st, giving you another(and the best) period of vegetative growth.