First Grow GDP


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I have started my first grow in an aerogarden pro200. I got some Grandaddy purp clones that were in rockwool in soil.. I took them out of the soil and trimmed the rockwool a little bit..

They are 7 days old and im running them on a 24hr light cycle.. How much longer should I do this and should I be running it with the pumps 24hrs a day??

Much thanks in advance!!


Active Member
you can do 24hr 'til you feel like flowering. I personally use 24hr cycle the whole time until flower. Although, alot of people do 18-6 during the veg cycle once the clones are rooted well. If you plan on keeping them in the aerogarden for their whole life. give it about another week, no more, and then switch to 12/12 if not the plants will outgrow the aerogarden in no time. keep in mind the growth rate accelerates majorly once flowering is induced. as for the pump question, i do not know.


Well-Known Member
I want to keep them pretty small. Space isnt an issue but id like to keep it kinda co-vert on smell.

It asks for a certain amount of nutrients however when I add them the PPM went up to around 600-650. I drained the water and added fresh. My PH is around a 7.0right now.


Active Member
right now if they are still fresh clone cutting and havent really developed stable roots yet, you shouldnt really even use any nutrients until they a well developed root system. however, 600 ppm is pretty weak.


Well-Known Member
sorry for no updates. I will get pics very soon.
They encountered spider mites bad and I almost decided to start again!! I got rid of simply spraying water on them once or twice a day and a 'no pest strip'. I hit them with 1300ppm and they took it well and are growing real nice now. They are 30 days old, thats including the 7days before I actually got them.

Im still on 24 hour light and they are about a foot and a half, maybe 2 feet tall. I want to keep them small, should I start them on a light cycle. And what should i be cycling them at?? I feel like the 3 little lights this thing has isnt enough. Should I add more?

And should i be like pruning these things or picking certain leaves off to make them bud better?


Well-Known Member
Also those three little lights are flourescent(CFL) I believe. they are 26watts each, I hear people running 400 watts, is my setup hella weak? what should I add thats cost effective and can fit in a closet setup