first grow help!?


Hi there! i'm new to this thread and new to growing MJ. I'm planning on growing outdoors. And i've done alot of studying on it all. i've had many gardens before lol juss no "green" ones if ya feel meh. i would really appreciate any general tips from you guys first off but i do have a few questions to start off with.

My first question is what are some good ways to keep animals and pests away from my crops?

next, i wanna grow my plants for seeds and the bulbs too. is there like a certain method to doing it cuz i know that most plants don't juss make seeds unless they have male and female seeds. but i don't really care if i have male or female plants as far as the smoking aspect goes but i do wanna be able to produce plentiful amounts of seeds for the next growing cycle.

Any help is appreciated! hit me up peoples!


i got some views. but no comments. if you need me to try and clarify on something i will its all good peeps!?


Well-Known Member

Seeds mean less bud, and lower potency of the bud you do end up with.

Don't let the males pollinate your entire crop. If you want to make seeds, take a clone of the best looking female and the best looking male (then kill him and all the other males) and plant them FAR AWAY from your other females. Let the male pollinate that female, and there you have your seeds.

It's pretty late to be starting an outdoor grow.


yea i'm getting ready for next season though and if i can get the stuff i'll probably grow some inside as well.
about cloning. how do i go about that is there anything that will make sure that plant clones or rather give me a better chance at its success?


Well-Known Member
if you want to produce seeds do this:

1) take the best female plant you have and take two clones, make sure they survive

2) make sure you have a seperate, sealed, isolated grow box, or move them REALLY far from your other females if outdoors, really far means at least two to three miles upwind, using your areas prevailing winds as a guide.

3) look up the DIY section, colloidal silver to make feminized seeds. the colloidal silver will make one of the female plants generate pollen sacs, collect that pollen and use it to pollinate the other, still female plant.... that will give you feminized seeds, not only will you be sure you have seeds for next grow, but they'll be female which = BUDS, and since you used the single best female you had, and cloned it, and pollinated it with itself, that next generation will probably be some gooood ass smoke....

if I had the time, money and will power this is what I would do....


mkay will the other generations after make seeds or will i have to do the same thing over and over again to get feminized seeds?


Well-Known Member
mkay will the other generations after make seeds or will i have to do the same thing over and over again to get feminized seeds?

If you do this once to produce seeds, you should have enough seeds for SEVERAL, SEVERAL future grows (assuming you aren't planting hundreds of plants at a time).


Well-Known Member
Go to proabition and look for browndirt warrior he will give the best advice on out door growing.But one thing that it don't show you is it is best to put copper rings around the bottom of the plants this will stop slugs.I also use fishing line alot because it can't be seen but if anything walks into it they spook of and run like f@ck.But make sure that you put the line down low to keep rabbits out.But the main important thing is location.


If you do this once to produce seeds, you should have enough seeds for SEVERAL, SEVERAL future grows (assuming you aren't planting hundreds of plants at a time).
iight well i'm planning on growing 20 at a time. enough for me to smoke my fair share with friends on the weekends and have plenty to sell also. i hope i get it right the first time lol. im one of those gotta hit the ground running guys lol thats kinda why i'm glad i decided now instead of at growing season lol. plenty of time to study up and get ready :p