First grow help


New Member
Ok I'm getting my seeds soon and I'm going to be using fox farms soil for an outdoor grow I was wondering do I need to manage my ph in my water and if I do how do I manage rainwater ph? And also when do I start feeding my plants with nutes and got any suggestions for nutes?
If you're using rain water, ph shouldn't be a problem. As for nutes, organic would be aact teas or top dressing with compost, EWC, etc. and if you go with bottled nutes, the foxfarm trio works well. Using ffof soil, I'd wait atleast three weeks before giving a light feed. Good luck.
Another thing you can do is take 5 small dirt samples from different location of your garden mix them together, then take it to you local university to have it tested you will then know what you ph,npk, etc...... is and know what direction to go in, that also takes a lot of the guess work out as well.