First Grow. How are My Babies Looking? Pics Attached

I wanted to get some opinions on a few things. My plants are roughly 40 days old, 2 are soil, and one is aeroponics. I'm using a TEK 4 light (20,000Lumens) and Technaflora for the aeroponics solution. I'm running 18 on and 6 off. 2 Fans circulating air. Humidity around 50% and temp around 80F

1. First off how do they look, is there anything I should be doing that isn't showing?

2. Should I be doing any kind of trimming or can I let it grow natural and wild?

3. With my aeroponics plant I was wondering what strength of nute solution I should be using? For example if it gives the amounts per gallon and I'm using a 5 gallon bucket, should i use 4 gallons of there strength and one gallon of distilled water to lessen the strength or is it old enough to handle the full amount?

4. When should I start the 12/12 light cycle? I have plenty of room so space is not a problem, I want them to get as big as possible. Let me know what u guys think it would help a lot.

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Active Member
i'd start 12/12 really soon, cause the longer u vegg the bigger they can get, so i would say realllly soon,
they are some nice looking plants, i wouldnt do no trimming until bud come, then what i do is trim off
all the little bud sites that are not gonna be nuttin and they r just gonna take up space... but so fare i think
you doi9ng good, keep it up!!!


Active Member
Dude firstly they look great! secondly if you aint in no rush and have the room keep veggin.....dont forget in Flowering they will double in size maybe treble.....
Thanks man, thats good to hear. Yea I thought I should start soon but I wanted to give them a chance to get real big, I have a lot of empty space they can grow into. I'm looking to get some monster plants. :) The trimming is what's been confusing me but it seems I'll have to wait until it starts happening so I can fully understand what to do. I'll definitely hold off trimming until pre-flowering.
Definitely doing the veg for another week or 2. You guys think it's a good idea, I think it's a good idea, sounds like a plan. I'll let them stretch their arms. LOL


Active Member
lol, its a good plan, if u have the space, plus longer vegg more buds, lol so vegg away my friend.... lol
If I wanted to could I veg for 6-12 months or would the plant have a malfunction? I don't plan on doing this but it seems like something good to know. I'm the type that loves to know everything possible. LOL