First Grow Hydro

Hi all,

Finally found the time to start posting my grow journal. Obviously not being experienced enough the feedback ive seen from users has been second to none.

Basic info on my grow, using a 1.2x1.2x2.0 grow tent with 600w dual spec HPS,carbon filter wilma 8 pot hydro system only using hydroton.

Growing critical mass auto's so hoping for a fast harvest. Been paranoid laterly where they are doing well or not as i have no base of reference so hoping people can help set my mind at ease. They are about 7/8 days after been put in peat pellets let me know what you all think so far.

They are under a 125w dual spec CFL and a 30w CFL either side propagator. Heat is generally around the 30c mark.

I couldnt upload a photo here as it doesnt work so heres the link:
Cheers lads, i wasnt sure whether those leaves on the side are meant to be drooping, so obviously was worried whether i was f**king them up as i been v.lightly spraying the peat pots ED or EOD. Will be posting regular so looking forward to feedback / pointers etc.


Well-Known Member
those are actually called cotyledons nd they are the embryo of the seed and provide food for the seedling. they will wither and die as the food store is used. until then no nutes are needed.


Woke up this morning took a photo and look whats happened. The photos actually show 2 of them. The rest are standing up strong with bigger leaves than yest etc, but these two have keeled over? Could it be heat? the hygro shows max 31.5 in prop? Moved the cfl slightly up as a result to see.

The pellets were slightly dry so moistens them up abit.

Any chance of saving these two? Gutted was aiming to do 8, so planted 10 in pellets 1 didnt germ 9 did and now these 2 have signed on the dole and cant be bothered.

What do i do guyss???!?!?!

those 2 plants leaves have slight curls upwards. as the heat is constant at 31.5c is it a good guess to say heat? Im going to buuy a tower fan anyway for my tent and see how that goes.

I slightly watered those two wiltering mofos earlier, one has now propped up by itself and i manually did the other one so will see how it goes, thanks.

May buy a digi cam in morning so some decent pics to follow every morning.
Just did it mate.

I just checked them now after i been to town and the roots are out of the pellets and all ovr the fking shop! So emergency potted them into hydroton. Dont know how well a job i did but its done now few days i guess will tell. Have put a fan in there blowing down but creates a weak breeze which is visible on the plants.

one of the plants gone a slight yellowish colour in the middle of the two leaves. will follow up with photos in an hour or so!
Pics as promised lads. This isint all of them? Is there a 5 pic limit? I am going to label them in the morning so easier to reference in photos etc

Not really sure what to do from here, wait a week or two then start 1/4 nutes twice a day then go from there i think..



Right i have a dillemma.

I onlyhave one fan dimmer switch. Ive put in a 7inch desk fan secured it to the top corner and putiton a nice low speed which is great.

My temps are nice and steady around 24c but the humidity is rising, currently at 72RH now.

Question is do i ignore the RH and monitor temps more, or do i turn on the extractor fan and leave the 7incher off for a while untill i get a dimmer switch for that??

For the record i baught one of em cheapo plug dimmers, works ok i guess!!
Let me know your thoughts guys. Some growth is WAY WAY slower than some others, but they're all treated the same. I dont understand? hmmmm