First Grow, Im Nervous please helpp.

:confused:ok, so i germinated 3 seeds..i got them sprouted and planted them in dixie cups in a miricle grow soil watered them nice, they broke thru the top soil and are now about and inch tall, im on day 6 now and have watered a little everyday. now my question is this, my two oval leaves are nice and green but the little leaves with jagged edges are now coming in they were green but on one they are now turning yellow?
im transplanting them tomarrow in to a compost soil. i was told it was bad to start them in the MG soil.
I do plan to take these outside! please help im nervous, whats goin on? :confused:


Well-Known Member
the thing is miracle grow is real hot. it is loaded with nutes that arent goin to do any good while the plants are this young. Transplant as quickly as possible and give them nothing but RO or PH'd water untill they reach 3 to 4 weeks old. I prefer organic nutes, better tasting, and if done correctly fat ass buds. I use BMO-ebay only, search super plant tonic and u will find them. They are real cheap as well. Another concern, since they are in lil cups is overwatering in general. try to get them out of those cups asap. what kind of light are you using??? Holla if u needanything else and good luck!

yeah im gonna say it was the overwatering and the use on the MG soil, im gonna get right on the transplanting. for now tho there in my bedroom closet on the top shelf about a foot or two away from just a regular 60w light bulb.