First grow Kalashnikova 1000 watts


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, i started reading this forum not so long ago and decided to make a journal here for my first grow. I'm a total newb so ill probably ask you some advices here :)

I orderded in quebec, Canada from attitude 15 kalashnikova feminised seeds from green house and i received them the next week.

So here is my set up:

- 4x4 growing tent (250$ cad new)
- carbon filter 6'' (100$ used)
- fan 6'' (100$ used)
- fan 4'' (50$ used)
- 1000 watts light and ballast (100$ slightly used), cooling tube (70$ new)
- ph and ppm meter, hanna combo (75$ used)
- thermometer (30$ new)

I germinated the 15 seeds in towel paper and 2 days after i took 11 kind of little soil cups and 4 cups that looks like cotton (cant remember the names). So here they are after 2 days under one 40 watts fluorenscent light, in a small dome at about 78 degrees F. Today was day 3 and there are 10 small babies but the others didint grow.

So if you see something to ameliorate in my set-up, equipment, on my general way to grow, dont hesitate. Thanks




Well-Known Member
so its been 9 days now and i'm a little bit worried cause there are yellow spots on some leaves. I read its because of over watering? And when is the best time to transfer the plants in 4'' pots? thanks



Well-Known Member
why i can't edit my first post to put pictures of my set up?

So more pics today, they are 2 weeks old and they don't look healthy at all :s i don't know what is the problem. I keep the temperature at about 78 degrees, ph at 5.6, gave them not too much water and took off the dome after 1 week, they were still 24h under a 40watt fluo light. I moved them today in 4'' pots and changed the light 400hps and will do 16/8. I started the fans also today to move the hot air out of the tent

and here is my set up


Well-Known Member
they are now 3 weeks old, they look much more beter now :clap: I think they like the new 400watt hps, the rhisotonic and their new cycle of 16/8. but like you can see on the pictures, the humidity is about 25% so i bought a humidifier but it raise the room temp over 85%F so i'll put an air conditionner + the humidifier.
