First grow (Northern Bright), Am I Doing it Right?


Okay, so this is not only my first time growing marijuana, but my first time growing any kind of plant since I was in grade school. I'm growing indoors, using sunlight from a window, tap water and a flowerpot with organic potting soil. I turn all my lights off at night also, and I water once or twice every day to the point where the soil is moist but NOT watery. The window it's growing by stays open about half the day to let some air in. I keep my house about room temperature or a little warmer. Now, I do smoke cigarettes in my house, one to three per day, but I confine my smoking to a separate room. My budget is extremely strict because I'm a poor college student with an equally poor mom at the moment, so I can't run out and buy lightbulbs or a lamp for my plant...or anything other than what I already mentioned, for that matter.

I got the Northern Bright seeds on Wednesday, and they germinated just fine by Saturday (yesterday,) on which day I planted them. There are some stemmy-looking things poking out from the dirt in two places right now, so I think it's working, but I'm not sure. I'm also anxious as heck about it--those seeds were expensive, and I'm rather attached to my dear plant already (not to mention I WANNA GET HIGH SO BAD.)

So is this going to work, or am I missing something important?

Oh, and the window. It's nice and secluded, so no one's going to see what's growing. It's also very close to a heating vent which I can adjust as I please.


Active Member
with money being the issue, and not being able to have proper lighting will result in failure. heat is good but exactly how much light comes in? i suggest lighting or outside. it will only grow so big in the window if it even does. good luck :weed:


Well-Known Member
You would do a lot better with some simple cfl's you can get anywhere. For instance, 4-23watt cfls (compact fluorescent lightbulb) will only be like $15 or so, and some cheap extension cords and lightsocket plug things you get at the hardware store or lots of other places, definitely inexpensive. If you rely on the window, you will simply not get enough light for large flowers for any plant. Making big flowers, which is what you want, takes a lot of light.