First grow, Nutes, Fertilizer, and Light questions

The Rager

This will be a small closet grow, just to try it out. 1-3 plants
what would be a good grow light and wattage for this size? It seems most people use more then one type of light, but alas I am on a low starting out budget.
I see all this talk of how much nutes and fertilizer and such to put in, and when to put it in. But Almost no talk on some simple beginning grower stuff to pump up my soil.

I'm a noob, not a lick of experience, hoping to start my first grow within a few weeks

trichlone fiend

New Member
...400 w/ switchable ballest, get a MH, and a HPS bulb for both stages of growth. You'll get some good buds HID lighting. cfl's will grow small buds that stretch too much....just my .02


Well-Known Member
going low budget, than try to find a used 4 or even a can findem at hydro stores"gotta ask aboutem".alot of times theyll have free used bulbs.three plants might get you three hundred grms even with a used 400hps youd prob get close to stuff is alot less risky but there are deals out there if you look.

The Rager

going low budget, than try to find a used 4 or even a can findem at hydro stores"gotta ask aboutem".alot of times theyll have free used bulbs.three plants might get you three hundred grms even with a used 400hps youd prob get close to stuff is alot less risky but there are deals out there if you look.
Yeah I'm currently searching for a hydro store in my area. Hopefully I can make friends haha.


Well-Known Member
This will be a small closet grow, just to try it out. 1-3 plants
what would be a good grow light and wattage for this size? It seems most people use more then one type of light, but alas I am on a low starting out budget.
I see all this talk of how much nutes and fertilizer and such to put in, and when to put it in. But Almost no talk on some simple beginning grower stuff to pump up my soil.

I'm a noob, not a lick of experience, hoping to start my first grow within a few weeks
Hey, as u say you are a noob, well let me say I am to green but have been growing veg and friut, yes fruit,, so anyway i wouldnt advice just planting the seeds and seeing what happen,. cause thats not the way to get your seeds off to a good start. YOU know the shot glass trick? soak the seed for 12hours in water, perferably left out water so the chorline and comtams have evaped. , making sure its in the dark and come back, push the seed so it sinks and wait again for hour top,, i dont bother, go to seed after 6 hours and push it down. Making sure it sinks. Anyhow, then take the soaked seed out, place on damp/moist/wet kitchen roll(can use toilet paper but get messy and hold contams.) place the seed back in the shot glass pressed against the side wraped in it cusion of kitchen roll. make sure there a tiny biy of water at bottom, barely enough to cover base of shot glass. Then cover top of shot glass in clingflim. place in dark warm place. i put in bag ontop of telly(tv) when its on. come back in 24hrs and have quick look, if the seed has poped and white sprout is coming out its all good. you can wait till they are all sprouted and more than1-2mm long. then transplant to your medium. I take it you are using soil?
I use MG but lots of people recommend other and its up to you. If you do use MG potting soil then try mix it with pertile or somthing to help airation. The thing with soil Rager is it dosnt have to have any of the nutes in it to begin with as long as your willing to be vigliant and very slowly introduce the nutes through fert(soil drench only for first 5 weeks then you can Foliar feed), but i surpose the idea with soil is it dosnt alot of the nutes for you. I use it more a a buffer to stop me from screwing up. Just remember what every you put in and then add to,to then wash out (leach) maybe every 6 weeks? that just depends, I do it every 5 weeks, so once in a grow for my time scales. It also is dependent on how big you pot is, 1-2 gallon? 3gallon? I using 2 types at moe to put to reast in my mind, bug 4 gallon pot and small 3 gallon pot.
As long as the soil is airy, dosnt retain water, and perferably dosnt include slow release nutes. If its a potting soil make sure its got the main Macro nutes and micro nutes. as they are just as important.
As for lights I use 250 watt cfl's (plug and grow is the make) and I run a reflector to help. The big advantage with cfls is no ballest to have to deal with, no heat, can be close to plants so low space impact, they use f all electricity, they can be run straight into a plug timer. you can just run the cable as the hanger( I use envirogrow to buy this so that where the examples are.) The only draw back is you have to use two bulds at different times , one in 2700k and one in6200k for each stage. One seed/veg/clone and one flower.
When you go to buy your kit just remember to ask questions and look around at differnt options. there loads out there each one of them some one uses at rui.
I hope I helped and try looking at the threads, theres so many but there full of lots of info. Its everyones opion though and this is just my exp.
Take it easy and hope you get growing soon. Sorry for the stoned ramble.......

The Rager

That shotglass thing is interesting, is it more effective then just putting them in some wet paper towels and throwing them on something warm?

Also for reflect i can use white paint or the dull side of aluminum foil?

trichlone fiend

New Member
...I put my seeds 1/4 of an inch deep, into rapid rooters, on a seedling heating pad, under a humidity dome...careful to keep moist (not wet, not dry) and like a charm. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I throw my seeds over the dirt and sprinkle a bit of soil on top. works great.

Lately I've been using peat pots as they are easier to manage.

I keep them under a CFL for heat and minimum light. When they pop I get normal lightning.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I dont know about the affectiveness, but because the seed is up on the side of the glass the sprout can grow down the side, you can see the seed quick so it downt see to much light when you check and if the paper drys u top over the bottom of the shot glass.
I will try next germ.
tAke it easy,


Well-Known Member
That shotglass thing is interesting, is it more effective then just putting them in some wet paper towels and throwing them on something warm?

Also for reflect i can use white paint or the dull side of aluminum foil?
O and whit paint, dull not gloss is one of the best reflectors. foil is good but not the best, mylar,white paint are two of the best.
take it easy