First grow Nutes question.


First grow nutes question. Im about to go into flower and wanna make sure im gonna be using the right nutes. A buddy of mine got me setup from the get go and told me to use Pure Blend Pro Gro 10ml/gal and Cal-Mag 5ml/gal and then when I go into Flower to use Pro Bloom 15ml/gal and Cal-Mag 5ml. The feed schedule says 25-30ml/gal for the pro bloom but he told me that would nute burn them. So can anyone tell me if im on the right path or should be doing something different please. Im growing in Sunshine advanced #4. Thanks


Well-Known Member
its all really strain dependant and your best bet is to adjust nutrients by your ppm. Get a ppm meter (i got mine for 25$ online and its very accurate and gives temp readings) then add 1ml of nutrient solution until you reach around 350ppm and then go up around 50ppm per every feeding until plant shows nute burn or a deficiency. Please note that every strain is different and even though you have 500ppm+ you can still be lacking or overdoing a specific micro or macro nutrient. i recommend a cal mag feeding every other feeding but this will need to be adjusted at your plants request.

always start light and work your way up, more nutrients is NOT a good thing.


Well-Known Member
Start at a low dose and build up. It is often said that the nute companies put a higher usage than needed so you buy more often. It's trial and error.